Wanda: Hey, Victoria. Where is Boston Municipal Library? I want to borrow some b

游客2024-01-16  8

问题 Wanda: Hey, Victoria. Where is Boston Municipal Library? I want to borrow some books about the history of India.
Victoria: ______, there is no library called Boston Municipal Library. There is only Boston Public Library located at Copley Square.

选项 A、You must know
B、In my opinion
C、As far as I know
D、You may be quite disappointed

答案 C

解析 本题考查问路时的对话。因为后面说到没有这个图书馆,所以要向问路的人说明情况。A和D都显得很武断,而且不太礼貌,B的in my opinion是表达主观观点的用语,C的as far as I know(据我所知),说到的是客观存在的情况,故答案选C。