I recently had the opportunity to go to my first ever music festival. We Love

游客2024-01-15  7

问题    I recently had the opportunity to go to my first ever music festival. We Love Green was held over a weekend in Parc de Bagatelle, Paris. While like most music festivals, it boasted an impressive and diverse music, there was something extra special about this one. You see, this was a green festival!
   From the food to the stalls (货摊) , everything was as environmentally friendly as possible. Not only was the majority of the furniture/stalls/toilet rooms hand-made from wood, the festival was powered by solar energy. Guests were invited to dispose of rubbish in specially labeled dustbins which, after the festival, were sorted so all of the waste could be recycled appropriately. Fresh water was made available freely to everyone so that attendants were not encouraged to buy drinks in plastic bottles which would have created a lot of waste.
   I found the experience incredibly fun but also really interesting. Having never been to a music festival before, I was unsure of what to expect. However, I was happy to find myself sitting in a field eating a healthy, home-made fruit cake while drinking organic fruit juice. There were many stalls, art installations, and different areas, meaning there was something there for everyone , from small children to the elderly!
   This seems like such a great idea, making something very fun and interesting, that does not cause great damage to the environment. I have since discovered that there are more events similar to this across the globe, which is great! I can’ t imagine how much waste has been produced from such public events as festivals across the years before we realised just how bad they were for the environment! [br] According to paragraph 3 , the author______.

选项 A、fully enjoyed the festival
B、expected much from the festival
C、found the event very funny
D、liked listening to music at home

答案 C

解析 推理题。根据第三段第一句可知,作者觉得这次经历不仅非常好玩,还很有趣,所以选项C(发现这个活动很有趣)正确。选项A(充分地享受了这次音乐会)文中并未提及。第三段第二句提到,作者之前没有参加过这样的活动,不知道会有什么值得期待,故选项B(对这次音乐节很期待)错误。选项D(喜欢在家听音乐)文中并未提及。