Since 1965 there are four times as many Black college students enrolled, and the

游客2024-01-13  11

问题 Since 1965 there are four times as many Black college students enrolled, and the one million Black people in college today represent 11 percent of all college students.

选项 A、Since 1965 there are four times as many Black college students enrolled
B、The enrollment of Black college students was only one-fourth in 1965
C、The enrollment of Black college students has increased four times from 1965 on
D、Quadrupling since 1965, there are now four times as many Black college students enrolled
E、The enrollment of Black college students has quadrupled since 1965

答案 E

解析 A中时态不对,应该用现在完成时,as many之后还差一个as;B改变了句意;D中的quadrupling的逻辑主语enrollment(未出现)与语法主语there不一致:as many之后差一个as。E和C比较,选E因为E比C简洁,这表现在两个方面:(1)quadrupled比increased four times简洁;(2)since比from 1965 on简洁。