Two years ago, radio station WCQP in Rockville decided to increase the number of
Two years ago, radio station WCQP in Rockville decided to increase the number of
Two years ago, radio station WCQP in Rockville decided to increase the number of call-in advice programs that it broadcast; since that time, its share of the radio audience in the Rockville listening area has increased significantly. Given WCQP’s recent success with call-in advice programming, and citing a nationwide survey indicating that many radio listeners are quite interested in such programs, the station manager of KICK in Medway recommends that KICK include more call-in advice programs in an attempt to gain a larger audience share in its listening area.
Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the recommendation and the argument on which it is based are reasonable. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the recommendation.
In this article, the manager of KICK radio station in Medway argues for the inclusion of more call-in advice programs in hopes of securing a larger share of audience in the region. To substantiate this piece of recommendation, the station manager cites the alleged success at the WCQP radio station in Rockville and the national survey that many radio listeners are interested in such call-in programs. Although such lines of reasoning appear valid at first glance, close examination reveals that they lack critical evidence to support. As a result, it remains unclear whether introducing more call-in programs at KICK will actually promote the audience share, unless some important questions can be properly addressed.
To begin with, the author cites the recent success enjoyed by radio station WCQP in Rockville and attributes its increase in radio audience to the adoption of more call-in advice programs. While in general two events occurring sequentially may indeed imply some kinds of causal relationship, we need to ask if the call-in advice programs are indeed responsible for the higher number of listeners. Could it be the case that WCQP has introduced other shows in addition to the call-in advice programs? For example, if WCQP hired a famous music DJ, or began broadcasting radio talk shows that attracted more audience, its later success might well have little to do with the decision to include more call-in programs. In this case, the effect of call-in advice programs at KICK may not be as promising as the manager predicts. On the contrary, if it turns out that the call-in advice programs are the only change WCQP made two years ago, such programs may indeed play a key role in boosting WCQP’s audience share.
Granted that WCQP’s higher audience share can be confidently attributed to the call-in advice programs, whether or not similar programs could potentially benefit KICK radio station as well is unresolved. We need to ask if WCQP and KICK are comparable in the sense of the composition of radio listeners. It is possible that in Rockville most of the radio listeners are young people who are more eager to participate in call-in programs to express their views, while the average age of Medway residents is significantly older and hence more reluctant to call the radio station. If this is the case, KICK radio station would benefit little from the call-in advice programs. Yet, the opposite is possible, too. Medway and Rockville may be two similar towns in many ways so that the radio audience has the same taste. If so, the success at WCQP radio station could be replicated in KICK station as well, as the station manager projects.
In addition to the case of WCQP, the manager uses a national survey among radio listeners to claim the popularity of call-in programs, but there are two questions related to this survey that must be answered before the success of call-in advice programs in KICK radio station can be reasonably evaluated. First, it remains unclear how valid the survey itself is. If for instance the study only surveys a very small number of people, its intrinsic mathematical validity would be called into serious doubt and the implication be questioned. Second, even if we acknowledge that the survey is statistically valid, whether the conclusion can reasonably be applied to Medway is another question. Here the author assumes Medway represents the national average in terms of radio program preference, but this assumption may well prove wrong. If Medway residents prefer music programs on radio and do not particularly enjoy call-in shows, KICK radio station’s new programs may not end well. On the other hand, perhaps Medway is indeed well represented by the national poll, and in this case the station manager’s proposal would be more well-founded.
To summarize, despite the purported success at WCQP radio station thanks to call-in advice programs and the national survey claiming public interest in such programs, whether or not KICK radio station could enlarge its audience share from call-in programs remain to be seen. Specifically, a number of questions pertaining the case of WCQP and the national survey must be answered. Depending on the answers to those questions, KICK may succeed in gaining a larger audience, but could also end up failing in that objective. (711 words)
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