Factory production made an absence of imperfections so blandly commonplace that

游客2024-01-11  33

问题 Factory production made an absence of imperfections so blandly commonplace that the______of hand-produced goods were now cherished where they once might have been shunned.
A advantages
B revivals
C benefits
D pretensions
E blemishes
F defects


答案 E,F

解析 The sentence suggests a contrast between the quality of factory-produced goods, marked by an absence of imperfections, with that of hand-produced goods, which must possess such imperfections. The words "blemishes" and "defects" are the only ones that connote imperfection. While "advantages" and "benefits" produce sentences with the same meaning, they neither connote imperfection nor make sense as one would not necessarily shun a product with such positive attributes. The word "revivals" also does not connote imperfection, and there is no other word that would produce a sentence with the same meaning.
Thus the correct answer is blemishes(Choice E)and defects(Choice F).