In spite of (i)______ reviews in the press, the production of her play was (ii)_

游客2024-01-10  7

问题 In spite of (i)______ reviews in the press, the production of her play was (ii)______ almost certain oblivion by enthusiastic audiences whose acumen was greater than that of the critics.

选项 A、lukewarm…condemned to
B、scathing…exposed to
C、lackluster…rescued from
D、sensitive…reduced to
E、admiring…insured against

答案 C

解析 空格(ii):
- 方程等号:by方式方法,前后句意同义重复。
- 强词和对应:根据题意,通过比评论家还要敏锐的热情观众,这部几乎被人遗忘的戏剧应该不被遗忘。空格(i)体现观众“不会”遗忘,负向。(be)condemned to迫使(某人)处于(不幸的状态或位置),(be)exposed to被暴露于…,(be)rescued from从…拯救出来,(be)reduced to沦落到…,(be)insured against保护…免受危害。选项C和E合适。
- 方程等号:in spite of尽管,句意反义重复。
- 强词和对应:the critics指代reviews,后文提到热情的观众比评论家更敏锐,让她的作品无法被遗忘。因此空格(i)和enthusiastic根据in spite of构成反义重复,体现评论是“不热情的”。lukewarm冷淡的,scathing尖酸刻薄的,lackluster黯淡的,sensitive敏感的,admiring赞赏的。答案选C。