Pardis Sabeti has earned distinction in______ways: she developed a means of trac

游客2024-01-10  7

问题 Pardis Sabeti has earned distinction in______ways: she developed a means of tracing natural selection in the genome and she sang in a successful rock band.


答案 A,F

解析 冒号说明前后同义重复。空格与developed a means of tracing natural selection in the genome and she sings in a successfulrock band(发明了探索基因自然选择的方法,并在一支著名的摇滚乐队中担任主唱)同义重复。disparate不同的,providential幸运的,abstruse难以理解的,prosaie单调的,recondite难以理解的,divergent不同的。答案选AF。注:这里abstruse和recondite是干扰项,同表示“难以理解的”。