For Plato the art of music was so (i)______ moral and political reality that any

游客2024-01-10  6

问题 For Plato the art of music was so (i)______ moral and political reality that any alteration to music system would necessarily require a corresponding political shift. But two and a half millennia later, when classical music is generally seen merely as a lifestyle accessory, Plato’s conception seems (ii)______. To be sure, there are still people who consider classical music to be of (iii)______ cultural importance, but few of them are able to articulate this convincingly.
Blank (i)                         Blank (ii)                Blank (iii)
A. rarely identified with           D. apt                  G. marginal
B. tenuously connected to          E. absurd                H. profound
C. firmly anchored in              F. disingenuous           I. uncertain


答案 C,E,H

解析 空格(i):
- 方程等号:so…that…如此…以至于…,同义重复。
- 强词和对应:对于柏拉图来说音乐是如此空格(i)道德和政治的现实,以至于任何对音乐系统的改变都要求对应的政治改变。that后的3s版本是音乐与政治紧密相连,依据so…that…同义重复,空格(i)应填入表示“紧密联系”的蚓。rarely identified with几乎不一致,tenuously connected to联系很微弱,firmly anchored in深深植根于,答案选C。
- 强词和对应:两千五百年之后,当古典音乐被看做是生活的附属品时,柏拉图的观点好像空格(ii)。上一句3s版本是柏拉图认为音乐和政治相关,依据but句间关系取反,空格(ii)应填入表示柏拉图观点不好的词。apt合适,absurd荒谬,disingenuous不真实,前后文未提到真实性,答案选E。