In the earth 20th century, some small magazines and the innovative graphics used

游客2024-01-10  8

问题 In the earth 20th century, some small magazines and the innovative graphics used on them created the face of avant-garde. Avant-garde has a look that signals progressive ideas and unconventionality, because it dispensed the cardinal rule of graphic design: to take an idea and make it visually clear, concise, and instantly understood. Rather, the graphics these avant-garde artists made exclusively for avant-garde (as opposed to those graphics they made for advertisements), are usually difficult to decipher, ambiguous, and nonsensical. This overturn of convention, this assailing to the standard graphic and typographic formats, is a part of search for intellectual freedom. The impulse towards liberation enables the avant-gardes to see with fresh eyes the untried possibilities of arranging words and images on the papers. [br] According to the passage, avant-garde artists of the early twentieth-century created ambiguous or nonsensical graphics as part of an attempt to

选项 A、expand the potential for expression through visual art
B、compete with advertisements for reader’s attention
C、encourage the expansion of small magazines

答案 A

解析 细节题。考查先锋派艺术家背后的企图动机,定位到文章的最后两句,the untried possibilities of arranging words and images on the papers对应选项中的expand the potential for expression,答案选A。