Because the painter Albert Pinkham Ryder was obsessed with his (i)______ perfect

游客2024-01-10  7

问题 Because the painter Albert Pinkham Ryder was obsessed with his (i)______ perfection, he was rarely (ii)______ a painting, creating endless variations of a scene on one canvas, one on top of another.

选项 A、quest for…satisfied with
B、insistence on…displeased with
C、contempt for…disconcerted by
D、alienation from…immersed in
E、need for…concerned with

答案 A

解析 空格(ii):
- 方程等号:第二个逗号说明前后同义重复。rarely前后取反。
- 强词和对应:根据题意,Albert Pinkham Ryder总是在一张画布上对同一个场景不断地覆盖之前的画作,制造出没完没了的变化,所以一定是对于这幅绘画不满意,因为前面有一个rarely,空格(ii)填一个表示“满足”含义的词。satisfied with对…感到满意,displeased with不开心,disconcerted by不安,immersed in沉浸于,concerned with关注。选项A和D合适。
- 方程等号:because因为,表示因果,句意同义重复。
- 强词和对应:根据题意,后面说他很少对于绘画满意,所以他应该是一个完美主义者,因此空格(i)应该体现追求完美,填一个正向词。quest for追求(对),insistence on坚持(对),contempt for轻视(错)。alienation from疏远(错),need for需要(对)。 综合空格(ii),答案选A。