From the 1880s to the 1930s, the textile industry in Japan employed over hal

游客2024-01-10  3

问题     From the 1880s to the 1930s, the textile industry in Japan employed over half of all workers, most of them in the three major branches of silk reeling, cotton spinning, and weaving. Because the branches were highly diverse—in scale, skill requirements, and technology—historians traditionally have analyzed them separately. However, the workforces of all three were drawn primarily from the same population: young, mostly rural women aged 10 to 25. Noting this commonality, Hunter argues that a consideration of the three branches of production together is long overdue: examining elements common to the different branches of textile production may, she asserts, permit the identification of gender-based factors that may have influenced the operation of the Japanese female labor market as a whole. [br] It can be inferred that Hunter regards which of the following to be a shortcoming of historians’ traditional analyses discussed in the passage?

选项 A、Their failure to examine factors common to the three different branches of Japanese textile production
B、Their separation of the Japanese textile industry into three major branches based on differences in scale, skill requirements, and technology
C、Their failure to acknowledge the contribution made by rural women to the different branches of the textile industry

答案 A

解析 根据本文,老观点只关注到了三个部门中的不同之处,而亨特关注的是相同之处,因此亨特批判老观点的理由就是三个部门的共同因素。B项这确实是老观点的内容,因为根据第四句,亨特确实承认三个部门有不同之处,这一点是正确的。不应该是老观点的缺陷。C项文中未提及。