Octopuses show surprising cognitive abilities: solving mazes, learning cues,

游客2024-01-10  7

问题     Octopuses show surprising cognitive abilities: solving mazes, learning cues, and remembering solutions. Furthermore, recent studies suggest that octopuses may display the first “personalities” ever measured in an invertebrate: confronted with the same threats and food stimuli, individual octopuses react differently. Until recently, such traits were thought to be exclusive to higher vertebrates and to develop primarily among long-lived, social animals. Longevity, it was thought, justifies the biological “investment” in big, complex brains. Why would the short- lived, solitary octopus develop such traits? Mather postulates that animals that pursue varied food sources in changeable, perilous habitats must develop a wide range of hunting and defensive strategies. Variation in the temperament of individuals enhances survival in a volatile, competitive milieu by ensuring that different individuals respond differently to changing conditions so some will thrive. [br] It can be inferred that prior to the findings on octopuses discussed in the passage, a dominant view held that

选项 A、hunting and defensive strategies are unrelated to brain size
B、longevity has no relation to a species’ development of advanced cognitive skills
C、in changeable, perilous habitats, social animals are better able to survive than solitary animals
D、the behavior of invertebrates of the same species is likely to vary little in response to a particular stimulus
E、individuals of an invertebrate species and individuals of a vertebrate species are equally likely to display individual “personalities”

答案 D

解析 本题问老观点,根据三四两句,老观点认为只有高级动物才会有复杂的认知能力,而低等生物无法产生复杂的认知能力。根据文章,这种认知能力指的是相同物种的不同个体在面对相同刺激时会产生不同的应对,因此选项D正确。B项表述相反,老观点认为正是长寿才使得高等生物应该具有复杂的认知能力。E项老观点认为无脊椎动物应该没有“性格”。