Two-way Discussion We’ve been talking about an outdoor activity you enjo
Two-way Discussion We’ve been talking about an outdoor activity you enjo
Two-way Discussion
We’ve been talking about an outdoor activity you enjoy and now I’d like to discuss with you one or two more general questions related to this. Let’s consider first the topic of conserving outdoor spaces.
Do you think that people nowadays are more or less aware of conserving public spaces for parks and reserves in comparison to 20 years ago? Why/Why not?
Some people argue that urban development is more important than keeping public spaces for recreation. What’s your view?
Who tends to enjoy outdoor recreation spaces more: young people or old people? Why?
Now let’s talk about working outdoors.
What types of jobs do people in your country do in the outdoors?
What are some of the advantages of working outdoors? Why?
Are there any drawbacks to working outdoors? Why?
I think there is a greater general awareness at present that parks and public spaces for recreation need to be planned for and protecting. Everybody enjoys these types of areas and they contribute to a city’s attractiveness and charm. I think this awareness has stemmed from environmental group lobbying and also from people’s experience of what they want for their city or area.
I certainly think it is a mistake to priorities construction and housing development over dedicated areas for recreation, for many reasons. A well-planned city with lots of parks and green space is much more attractive in the long term and helps to build value for all the houses in an area. Take Central Park in New York for example. Recreation areas promote physical activity and encourage citizens to maintain good health, which is another reason to priorities these spaces. And finally, trees and greenery in a densely populated urban area absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, making our air easier to breathe and reducing the effects of the greenhouse effect.
I don’t really think there is a group that I could say enjoys parks and recreation spaces more than any other, as they have something to offer each age group. For instance, young children enjoy playing on the playgrounds while their parents talk and socialize, and old people often walk or enjoy these spaces as well. Workers and business people often take advantage of a park to enjoy their lunch break, and teenagers often utilize these areas for basketball and hanging out with friends.
There are plenty of jobs, which are outdoors based, for instance building and construction work, landscaping, farming and park ranger, or even adventure tourism guide. I suppose the most common ones in my country would be maintenance and construction type roles, as this industry is very strong at the moment, with lots of new development taking place. However, other types of outdoor roles such as farming are still popular in rural areas.
I suppose the main advantage is that you aren’t tied to an office job and have the freedom to move around and enjoy the outdoors while the rest of us are stuck indoors with air conditioning and artificial lighting. I guess you have the chance to enjoy your local environment and for some people, their work is also their passion, for example ski instructors or tourism guides.
The first disadvantage this springs to mind is of course the weather! I suppose working outdoors is great when the temperature is neither too hot nor too cold, but once it gets outside of this range, I imagine working outdoors could be very uncomfortable. There may also be health effects as a result of this, such as sunburn or heat exhaustion in summer, or colds and fever in winter temperatures. However, as many outdoor jobs are seasonal, I guess these problems could be managed.
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