Introduction and Interview Interview (choose 1) Let’s talk about whe
Introduction and Interview Interview (choose 1) Let’s talk about whe
Introduction and Interview
Interview (choose 1)
Let’s talk about where you live.
What type of accommodation do you live in?
Which room of the house or apartment do you spend most time in? [Why?]
Describe the view from your house or apartment.
Let’s talk about your studies.
Are you a student at the moment or do you have a full time job?
How long have you been studying at your current university or school?
What are your plans for after you complete your studies?
Interview (choose 2)
Now let’s talk about social networking.
How often do you use social networking sites such as Face book?
Do you find it easy to use these websites? [Why/Why not?]
Do most of your friends also use similar websites?
Do you prefer to communicate through social networking sites or face-to-face with someone? Why?
Now let’s talk about fashion.
What kinds of clothes do you like wearing? [why?]
Do you think you will always like these types of clothes?
where do you usually buy your clothes? [why?]
Do you think it’s important to dress well? [Why?]
Now let’s talk about things you find funny.
What type of things do you freed amusing? [Why?]
Have you always found similar things amusing?
Do you like to tell jokes and make others laugh? [Why/Why not?]
Do your friends and family have a similar sense of humor to you?
I live in an apartment block, in a three-bedroom payment with my parents and my grandparents. It’s quite old but still very emir bitable and I love the location, which is close to the beach.
I guess I probably spend the most time in my room, because that’s where my computer is for study and playing games. And of course I spend a lot of time in my bedroom sleeping.
My room looks out over quite a leafy, green street and then across to a more modem apartment block. If I look directly across, I can see into my neighbor’s living room!
I’m a student at present, and I’m halfway through my final year at Senior High School. I can’t wait to finish!
I’ve been studying at Senior High School for about three years, since I was 15 years old. Before that I was at Junior High School from the age of 12.
After I finish this year and complete my final exams, including the National Higher Education Entrance Exam, of GAO Kao as we call it here in China, I’ll hopefully gain entrance to a good university. It’s very competitive though so I hope to get a good mark.
Here in China, a site called Renner is very popular with young people, and I have joined this site. I probably spend about two ours a day playing games, updating my status and looking at my friends’ photos.
Very easy, once I had familiarized myself with the format and layout. I guess they are designed to he very user-friendly because I find the site quite straightforward and simple to use most of the time.
Oh, all my friends are on there, absolutely. It’s really popular, especially with young people as we can upload all our photos and arrange to meet each other as well as comment on each other’s status updates. It’s a lot of time.
Well, I think that depends on the reason for communicating in the first place. There are lots of occasions when I still prefer face-to-face communication, like hanging out with ~fiends in a group, or seeing my boyfriend. But for people who live far away, it’s nice to still feel connected to them through sites like Renner.
I suppose I like wearing quite fashionable clothes as I’m very aware of the latest trends and styles. But when I’m at home I just wear casual, comfortable clothes to hang around in the house because I like to be comfortable.
Yes, fashion is almost like one of my hobbies and I love keeping up with trends so I think I’ll always be interested in fashionable clothing.
I normally buy my clothes at the shopping mall, or boutiques around town, because I find it easier to try things on and then decide if I like them on me, rather than buy things online where it’s difficult to tell how they will actually look. I also like to touch and feel clothes before I buy them, to check the quality.
Yes, I do. I think it’s actually a reflection on how you feel about yourself, and what you wear says a lot about your personality and integrity as well, so I always make an effort to look good.
Oh, that’s an interesting question. I guess I find things that children do quite funny, oh and animals as well, because they don’t realize they’re being funny. I like spontaneous humor rather than comedy and jokes and things like that, because it’s more natural.
I suppose so, but I’ve never really considered it until now. Actually no, when I was younger I thought children’s cartoons were really funny and now I can’t stand them. Obviously sense of humor is something that matures as you get older.
No, I really hate scripted jokes so I almost never tell them, unless of course I hear a really funny one, but that’s not very often. I like making other people laugh of course, because I think it connects people, but I’m not a very humorous person, unfortunately.
No, we’ve all got quite unique senses of humor, I think, especially in my family. My dad likes comedy and stand up shows, and my mother likes slapstick humor, whereas as I said, I’m a bit different in that I like naturally occurring humor.
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