Introduction and Interview (4-5 minutes) Introduction (compulsory) I
Introduction and Interview (4-5 minutes) Introduction (compulsory) I
Introduction and Interview (4-5 minutes)
Introduction (compulsory)
Interview (choose 1)
Let’s talk about where you live.
Can you describe the area which you live in?
Are there any disadvantages to living in this area?
How long have you lived in this area?
Would you recommend living in this area to others? Why/Why not?
Let’s talk about your studies.
Which university or school are you studying at?
Which course are you studying/What is your major?
Why did you select this course/major?
Do you have to travel far to university/school each day?
Interview (choose 2)
Now, let’s talk about cooking.
Who normally does the cooking in your household?
Do you think it’s important to share the cooking duties? Why?
Do you enjoy cooking?
Do you think you will cook more often in the future? Why?
Let’s talk about noises and sounds.
What kinds of sounds or noises do you commonly hear?
Which types of sounds or noises do you enjoy most? Why?
Are there some sounds or noises which you dislike? Why?
Which noises or sounds do you recall from when you were a child?
Wow let’s talk about messages.
How do you usually send messages to people?
Have you always used this method?
What do you like about sending messages in this way?
How much time do you spend sending messages?
I live on an island, so the sea and beaches are everywhere and it’s also really green.
Yes, I think there are. Because it’s an island, you have to catch a ferry to the city or to get anywhere, and so you’re restricted by timetables and sailings. I’m always missing the ferry.
I’ve lived here since I was 12, so about five years. We moved because my Dad got a really good job on the island.
I would definitely recommend the island in summer, but winter’s a different story. I have to commute every day to school so I get up in the dark and come home in the dark, so I hate it. But summer is fantastic.
I’m studying at the University of Auckland.
My major is education so I’m studying to become a primary school teacher.
I chose education because I love working with children and I want to help kids to learn.
Yes, I do. I have to catch the ferry from the island where I live into the city. It takes about 40 minutes each way.
Mostly my mum cooks all the meals, but sometimes I cook dinner or something, just to give her a break.
Yes, I think it is pretty important because otherwise one person can get resentful when they always have to do it, and then they don’t cook good meals! There’s more variety if different people cook.
Well, yes, sometimes I enjoy cooking, when it’s not difficult and it doesn’t take me very long.
Yes, I think so, because I’ll probably be living away from home, in a shared fiat or something. So I’ll have to cook a lot more.
I hear all sorts of sounds, depending on where I am. At university I hear people talking and doing stuff, and at home I hear my family talking, the dog barking, things like that.
I love music, because it can really make me feel good and lift my mood. And I also love hearing birds singing because the sound is so beautiful and unlike anything else I have ever heard.
I don’t like people screaming or talking really loudly. It really annoys me. I also don’t like hearing people talking to other people on the phone, or other people’s conversations, or when someone reads their text messages out loud.
I can’t really remember any--apart from my parents’ voices always telling me what to do and what not to do!
I usually send emails or a message on Face book.
Yes, I think so. Although I only used emails before I knew about Face book.
I like it because I hate talking on the phone, because it can get really awkward making small talk. So if you’ve got something to say it’s just a lot easier to message it rather than talk on the phone. It’s faster.
It depends, because if someone else is online at the same time, I’ll spend a bit of time chatting with them, but otherwise I’ll send a message.., probably about an hour a day, I think.
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一般来说,板式住宅的套内使用面积的使用率为()。A.60% B.70%
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艾滋病是一种性传播疾病,我国的艾滋病传播为主的是A.母婴垂直传播 B.器官移植