Choose TWO letters, A-E.Write the correct letters in boxes 21 and 22 on your an

游客2024-01-08  27

问题 Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Write the correct letters in boxes 21 and 22 on your answer sheet
Which TWO of the following statements are true of bird migration?
A Birds often fly further than they need to.
B Birds traveling in family groups are safe.
C Birds flying at night need less water.
D Birds have much sharper eye-sight than humans.
E Only shorebirds are resistant to strong winds. [br]


答案 A

解析 选项A该信息明显对应C段落所述内容“many birds joumey much further than would benecessary”,所以为正确选项。选项B全文唯一提及“family”相关信息的地方是在D段落,但是这里并没有讲到“trav—eling in family groups”安全,只是提及鸟类没有父母指引仍然能寻觅到自己的过冬之地。全文唯一提及“safe”相关信息的地方是在段落E,但是也没有讲到“traveling in familygroups”安全,只是提及夜晚飞行相对安全,因为“Daytime predators are avoided and thedanger of dehyrdration due to flying for long periods in warm,sunlit skies is reduced”。所以该选项应该排除。选项C该信息对应E段落的倒数第二句话“the danger of dehydration due to flying for longperiods in warm,sunlit skies is reduced”,也就是说夜晚飞行“need less water”。所以为正确选项。选项D原文虽然提及鸟类有较出色的身体构造,适合飞行,有比人类更敏锐的对天气变化感知的能力,有出色的认知方位的能力,但是却没有任何地方提及鸟类的“eye-sight”比人类出色,所以该选项应该排除。选项E原文G段落确实提及有些鸟类不会受到风的影响,可以自由横渡大西洋,原文只是说“each autumn a small number of North American birds…”,但是并未提及是只有“shorebirds”才能这样,所以该选项应该排除。综上所述,正确答案为A,C。