Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.Write the correct letter in boxes 24-26

游客2024-01-07  3

问题 Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.
Write the correct letter in boxes 24-26 on your answer sheet. [br] Hans Naarding’s sighting has resulted in

选项 A、government and organisations’ cooperative efforts to protect thylacine.
B、extensive interests to find a living thylacine.
C、increase of the number of reports of thylacine worldwide.
D、growth of popularity of thylacine in literature.

答案 B

解析 该题目仅凭“Hans Naarding’s sighting”不好定位,需要结合题目选项信息排除、判断。选项A“government and organisations’cooperative efforts to protect thylacine”,利用这里的“government and organisations”可定位于原文第六段第一句话“Governmentand private search parties combed the region,but no further sightings were made”,这里明显提及的是政府和私人团体都去搜寻袋狼,而非一起保护袋狼,所以排除选项A。关于选项C“increase of the number of reports of thylacine worldwide”,虽然在第六段中间确实提及“the thylacine has staged something of a comeback”,后面也提及报告的数量很多,但是说的都是澳大利亚的报告,而非“reports of thylacine worldwide”,所以应该排除选项C。关于选项D“growth of popularity of thylacine in literature”,虽然在第六段中提及袋狼“becoming part of Australian mythology”,但是这并不是说袋狼在文学中的流行度上升,而是一种形象的说法,表达了发现或观察到袋狼的种种报告大多数只不过是传说,所以应该排除选项D。选项B“extensive interests to find aliving thylacine”是对原文第六段整个段落的总结,既包含了政府和私人组织的努力搜寻,也包含了报告的增多等等,所以综上所述,正确答案为B。