Classify the following characteristics as relating toA Social ScienceB Medical

游客2024-01-07  10

问题 Classify the following characteristics as relating to
A Social Science
B Medical Science
C Both Social Science and Medical Science
D Neither Social Science nor Medical Science
Write the correct letter A, B, C or D in boxes 37-40 on your answer sheet. [br] the widespread use of studies that investigate the quality of new products

选项 A、 

答案 B

解析 由investigate the quality of new products可定位至B段。该段指出,政府会要求出售新药的商家证明新药的安全性和有效性。而随机对照试验是其中一条公认的黄金证明标准。题目investigate the quality of new products与require sellers of new medicines to demonstrate their safety and effectiveness相对应,studies与randomised control trial相对应,故答案为B。