Look at the following descriptions and the list of companies below. Matc

游客2024-01-07  15

问题     Look at the following descriptions and the list of companies below.
    Match each description with the correct company, A-F.
    Write the correct letter, A-F, in boxes on your answer sheet.
                                                List of Companies
    A. Flytxt
    B. Analysys
    C. Endemol
    D. CMG
    E. MmO2
    F. Gartner [br] offered mobile phone message technology


答案 D

解析 提供手机信息技术。关键词offer message technology。CMG出现于F部分第1句。该公司提供短信发送基础设施,认为电视行业正在发生根本性的变化,从单向交流转为观众参与电视互动。其中a company that offers—the television market text-message infrastructure对应本题关键词。因此,本题的答案为D。