Which attitude is associated with the following people during the conversation?
Which attitude is associated with the following people during the conversation?
Which attitude is associated with the following people during the conversation?
Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-H, next to Questions 21-26.
A amused
B critical
C forgetful
D impatient
E polite
F relaxed
G sympathetic
H unrealistic
People [br] Professor Jenkins
(Dr Egbert=D Crystal=C)
D: Well, Crystal, that was an interesting presentation you gave yesterday on your placement at the TV news centre.
C: Thank you. Dr Egbert, I did work hard on it.
D: Yes and
you did entertain the class, they enjoyed your humour,
but you informed them too. But I felt there was a bit of a back story — you know, something you weren’t telling us? So how was it really?
C: Yeah, well. I learnt a lot, as I said. But I think some of the lessons weren’t ones I wanted to share with the whole group. I mean, my expectations about what it would be like were too high.
I’d been fantasising a bit
about what I’d be doing, I mean, it all worked out OK in the end... but I got off to a bad start.
D: Yes, I heard something similar from the producer —
Ainsley Webb — who assessed your performance. He was quite negative about some of the things you did,
and your initial attitude, I’m afraid. Would you like to give me your version?
C: I didn’t prepare properly is the main thing. On my first morning, I hadn’t checked my commuting route properly, and I didn’t notice that it says the buses don’t start till six. I had to run all the way to the studio, but I was still late, and I looked a mess.
D: Well, better at this stage of your career than later..
To be honest, I made the same kind of mistakes when I was your age. But anyway, as I say, I think the presentation yesterday went extremely well, and I will bear that in mind when I grade your work experience overall.
C: Thank you for being so understanding.
D: Right. Now, have you completed your diary of what you did there? Professor Jenkins hasn’t received it, he says.
C: Um, yes, I have finished it, but I wanted to just tidy it up a bit. Some of it was written in a bit of a hurry. I’ll email it to him this afternoon.
D: OK.
But I’m afraid he says this will have to be the last time you submit late.
Journalism is all about deadlines and if you can’t manage them on your course he can’t give you a diploma saying you’re competent, can he?
C: Oh. Yes. I’ll do it straight after this. I didn’t realise.
D: Well, he can be a bit abrupt if he’s kept waiting. It’s the one thing he really doesn’t like. I’m sure everything is going to be fine. You’re getting very good grades on your work, so, as long as you remember that.
C: Yes.
D: Now, did you manage OK generally, do you think?
C: Yeah, OK. I think. Well, it took a while to get to grips with all the equipment. Some of it was quite old, not as fast as what we have here in college and at first I kept thinking it was my fault — I wasn’t pressing the right buttons or something. The thing was, none of the TV centre staff asked me if I wanted instructions. If I asked them how to do some particular operation,
they were perfectly civil
and would show me, and even say thank you for what I did do, but I felt awkward to keep asking.
录音原文中指出,Professor Jenkins说这是Crystal最后一次(the last time)迟交作业的机会(submit late)。并且指出如果一直让他等这份作业,他言语或行为上会有些无礼、粗鲁(a bit abrupt),即不耐烦(impatient),故选D项。
引起感觉需要的最小刺激量称为阈限。( )
以下不属于苯妥英钠中毒解救方法的是A.应用特异性拮抗剂氟马西尼 B.口服叶酸,
小便涩滞,淋沥不宣,小腹胀满疼痛,舌苔薄白,脉沉弦者,治疗首选的方剂是 A.石
根据《建筑市场诚信行为信息管理办法》,良好行为记录信息的公布期限一般为( )。(