Complete the table by matching the phrases below. Select the appropriate phrases

游客2024-01-04  25

问题 Complete the table by matching the phrases below. Select the appropriate phrases from the answer choices and match them to the type of people to which they relate. TWO of the answer choices will NOT be used. This question is worth 4 points.

Answer Choices
A. No regular encounters with the wonders of the natural world.
B. Travel by trail roads or airplanes.
C. Playing musical instruments.
D. Living close to the sounds and smells of forest and grasslands.
E. Having societies and languages.
F. Hunting and fishing for life.
G. Electing leaders of organizations.
H. Building cities.
I. Leaving their legacy in stones, bones and pottery.


答案 [*]

解析 本题为图表题,考查考生对全文的理解能力、概括能力和组织重要信息的能力。作者认为从the Sumerians时代出现了文明,而之前的人类被认为是原始人类。根据这一原则,可以判断原始人类和现代人类的区别在于:与自然的关系,不同交通工具的使用,是否修建城市,以及是否使用语言等。注意选项中Hunting and fishing for life来自文章第二句,指的是原始人以打猎、捕鱼为生,而关于演奏乐器和选举领导的选项文中没有提及,所以这两项不选。