Narrator Listen to a conversation between a student and her tutor. N
Narrator Listen to a conversation between a student and her tutor. N
Listen to a conversation between a student and her tutor.
Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer. [br] Why did Amy take up economics?
Amy Morning, Dr. Carter. I’m sorry to disturb you. But may I speak to you about my course?
Dr. Carter Yes, come in, Amy. But anyway, I haven’t got long, because I have to give a lecture in half an hour.
Amy Alright. I would just like to finish talking about the problem I have with you. think it won’t take a long time.
Dr. Carter Sure. What’s the problem? Sit down.
Amy Well, I’m having problems with one of my subject—economics. I’m not doing very well and I’m a bit concerned about it.
Dr. Carter You haven’t been doing too well, that’s true. I think you failed your last assignment, didn’t you?
Amy I’ve failed the last one and the one before and I only just scraped through the first one. The problem is that I’m not very interested in economics. I think that’s why I don’t really try and then...
Dr. Carter So what are you saying, Amy?
Amy I really feel that I should drop economics and pick up Spanish again.
Dr. Carter And have you ever dealt with Spanish?
Amy Yeah, I did first year Spanish last year, and I got really good marks.
Dr. Carter So here, I really don’t understand why you took up economics this year then.
Amy Well, everyone told me that economics was more important than a language and I felt it’d be really useful for further study.
Dr. Carter It seems to not be your interest. And are you studying Spanish by yourself?
Amy Well, at first I thought I could keep up my Spanish on my own with a private teacher. The problem is that I just don’t seem to have time to do everything.
Dr. Carter Surely Spanish isn’t too time consuming.
Amy No, it wouldn’t be except that I um, I’ve got a part-time job in a restaurant three nights a week...I can’t give that up because I really need the money. I just um, can’t fit it all in.
Dr. Carter Oh, you must have spent a lot on that. Do you think such a part-time job puts too much pressure on your curricular performance?
Amy To some extent, it does definitely.
Dr. Carter We could offer you extra help with the economics if you are willing to stick to it.
Amy No, really Dr. Carter, I don’t think it would be any good. I want to change.
Dr. Carter Yes, I can see that your mind is made up. Well, I have no objection, especially as you have a background in Spanish, but you’ll have to go and see Dr. Brown in the Spanish Department and see whether he’ll accept you or not.
Amy Ok, I’ll go and see him first. Would you be able to have a word with him about it as well, Dr. Carter?
Dr. Carter You can tell him to phone me for a reference if he wants to. I must get to my lecture now. Let me know how you get on.
Amy Thanks, Dr. Carter. I will.
A、She was interested in it,
B、She felt it useful.
C、She was advised to take it.
D、She was forced to take it.
本题属于细节多选题,考查考生是否听懂并记住听力材料中提到的多个细节或事实。题目问:Amy为什么选择了经济学?选项A说她对经济学感兴趣;选项B说她感觉经济学有用处;选项C说有人建议她学经济学;而选项D说她被迫学经济学。从对话中的这句话“everyone told me that economics was more important than a language and I felt it’d be really useful for further study”可以推断出选项B和C两项为正确答案。
哺乳动物第二心音产生的原因主要是( )。A.动脉瓣开放 B.动脉瓣关闭 C
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信用风险缓释是指银行运用()等方式转移或者降低信用风险。A.抵质押品 B
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骨质疏松患者最主要的临床表现为A.疼痛 B.关节活动度受限 C.关节僵硬
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