[img]2014m9s/ct_etoefm_etoefread_1_20149[/img]Watt’s steam engine soon showed wh
[img]2014m9s/ct_etoefm_etoefread_1_20149[/img]Watt’s steam engine soon showed wh
Watt’s steam engine soon showed what it could do.
It liberated industry from dependence on running water.
The engine eliminated water in the mines by driving efficient pumps, which made possible deeper and deeper mining.
The ready availability of coal inspired William Murdoch during the 1790s to develop the first new form of nighttime illumination to be discovered in a millennium and a half. Coal gas rivaled smoky oil lamps and flickering candles, and early in the new century, well-to-do Londoners grew accustomed to gaslit houses and even streets. Iron manufacturers, which had starved for fuel while depending on charcoal, also benefited from ever-increasing supplies of coal; blast furnaces with steam-powered bellows turned out more iron and steel for the new machinery. Steam became the motive force of the Industrial Revolution, as coal and iron ore were the raw materials.
Look at the four squares[
]that indicate where the following sentence can be added to the passage.
The factories did not have to go to the streams when power could come to the factories.
Where would the sentence best fit? [br]
A、The factories did not have to go to the streams when power could come to the factories. Watt’s steam engine soon showed what it could do.
It liberated industry from dependence on running water.
The engine eliminated water in the mines by driving efficient pumps, which made possible deeper and deeper mining.
The ready availability of coal inspired William Murdoch during the 1790s to develop the first new form of nighttime illumination to be discovered in a millennium and a half. Coal gas rivaled smoky oil lamps and flickering candles, and early in the new century, well-to-do Londoners grew accustomed to gaslit houses and even streets. Iron manufacturers, which had starved for fuel while depending on charcoal, also benefited from ever-increasing supplies of coal; blast furnaces with steam-powered bellows turned out more iron and steel for the new machinery. Steam became the motive force of the Industrial Revolution, as coal and iron ore were the raw materials.
Watt’s steam engine soon showed what it could do. The factories did not have to go to the streams when power could come to the factories. It liberated industry from dependence on running water.
The engine eliminated water in the mines by driving efficient pumps, which made possible deeper and deeper mining.
The ready availability of coal inspired William Murdoch during the 1790s to develop the first new form of nighttime illumination to be discovered in a millennium and a half. Coal gas rivaled smoky oil lamps and flickering candles, and early in the new century, well-to-do Londoners grew accustomed to gaslit houses and even streets. Iron manufacturers, which had starved for fuel while depending on charcoal, also benefited from ever-increasing supplies of coal; blast furnaces with steam-powered bellows turned out more iron and steel for the new machinery. Steam became the motive force of the Industrial Revolution, as coal and iron ore were the raw materials.
Watt’s steam engine soon showed what it could do.
It liberated industry from dependence on running water. The factories did not have to go to the streams when power could come to the factories. The engine eliminated water in the mines by driving efficient pumps, which made possible deeper and deeper mining.
The ready availability of coal inspired William Murdoch during the 1790s to develop the first new form of nighttime illumination to be discovered in a millennium and a half. Coal gas rivaled smoky oil lamps and flickering candles, and early in the new century, well-to-do Londoners grew accustomed to gaslit houses and even streets. Iron manufacturers, which had starved for fuel while depending on charcoal, also benefited from ever-increasing supplies of coal; blast furnaces with steam-powered bellows turned out more iron and steel for the new machinery. Steam became the motive force of the Industrial Revolution, as coal and iron ore were the raw materials.
Watt’s steam engine soon showed what it could do.
It liberated industry from dependence on running water.
The engine eliminated water in the mines by driving efficient pumps, which made possible deeper and deeper mining. The factories did not have to go to the streams when power could come to the factories. The ready availability of coal inspired William Murdoch during the 1790s to develop the first new form of nighttime illumination to be discovered in a millennium and a half. Coal gas rivaled smoky oil lamps and flickering candles, and early in the new century, well-to-do Londoners grew accustomed to gaslit houses and even streets. Iron manufacturers, which had starved for fuel while depending on charcoal, also benefited from ever-increasing supplies of coal; blast furnaces with steam-powered bellows turned out more iron and steel for the new machinery. Steam became the motive force of the Industrial Revolution, as coal and iron ore were the raw materials.
职业病诊断,应当综合分析下列因素A.病人的职业史 B.职业病危害接触史 C.
以下有关压力性尿失禁的描述不正确的是A.与逼尿肌收缩压无关 B.与膀胱壁对尿液
丙型肝炎的主要传播途径是A、日常生活接触 B、粪-口途径 C、性接触 D、
属于城市新型分流制排水系统中末端集中控制技术的是()。A.雨水下渗 B.
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