[img]2018m9s/ct_etoefz_etoeflistz_201808_0016[/img] [br] Why does the professor
[img]2018m9s/ct_etoefz_etoeflistz_201808_0016[/img] [br] Why does the professor
[br] Why does the professor want to see the student?
Listen to a conversation between a student (S) and an engineering professor (P).
S: You wanted to see me, Professor White?
P: Hi, Paul. Yes, thanks for coming in. l was looking over the bibliography for your paper. I’m afraid that some of your sources aren’t very reliable.
S: Oh, really? Which ones?
P: Well, one of your sources is John Anderson’s ’Guide to Renewable Energy Sources’; did you notice that this guide appears on a website that sells solar panels? You can’t rely on Web sites that have something to gain by providing information that favors their product. There are other more academic, and maybe more reliable websites dealing with types of alternative energy technologies, such as those associated with universities and scientific institutes. I know it’s not always easy to figure out which websites have trustworthy content, but...
S:OK. I see what you mean. I’ll go over my bibliography again and take out the sources I have that are like that. Since I am here, can I ask you a question about one of the technologies I am writing about?
P: Sure!
S: So, tidal turbines. Is it true that they are basically wind turbines? Though, obviously instead of being wind powered, water currents spin the blades of the turbines to generate electricity. Right?
P: Well, there are several kinds of tidal turbines. The simplest kind is called a horizontal access turbine, and yes with those the concept behind how they work is similar to how wind turbines work.
S: And, is it true that they are less damaging to the environment than other tidal turbines? I was wandering about that. Couldn’t they be more dangerous to the fish and marine mammals?
P: That is a good question, but these technologies are new and aren’t yet wildly used, so it’ll take a while before we understand their full environmental impact.
S: Ok. Actually, I am really interested in that aspect, the environmental impact of renewable energy technologies.
P: That is an interesting choice. A lot of people think of renewable energy sources as automatically good for the environment, but technically speaking any sort of development is gonna have an environmental footprint.
S: Well, I think this stuff with tides and water currents is particularly interesting.
P: If that is the case, you could do a more in-depth paper. One that focuses on what we do know, there are some tidal turbines in operation near the coast of Norway and one in operation near New York City. Look for some information on the Norwegian tidal turbines and how those have affected marine life.
S: Thanks for the great idea!
A、To suggest that the student change the topic of his paper
B、To provide help with understanding some complex scientific papers
C、To suggest that the student review his selection of sources
D、To inform the student about new requirements for an assignment
内容主旨题。与学生主动寻求老师的帮助不同,在这篇对话中是教授找学生谈话,在开端部分教授即表明了此次谈话的目的:I was looking over the bibliography for your paper.I’m afraid that some of your sources aren’t very reliable.即教授告知学生论文文献部分存在问题,并在后文中指出学生应如何处理该问题,因此C选项为正确答案。对话中未涉及到更改论文主题的建议和作业新要求的通知,因此A选项和D选项不正确。学生没有表述在理解复杂论文上存在困难,教授也没有对此提出建议,因此B选项不正确。
导致肠鸣音亢进常见的原因是()A.机械性肠梗阻 B.胃溃疡伴幽门梗阻 C.服
地毯按生产所用材质不同,可分为()。A.簇绒地毯 B.化纤地毯 C.混纺地
Al指的是()。A.时效性 B.办公自动化 C.管理应用 D.人工智能
发电机设备安装程序中,定、转子水压试验的紧后工序是( )。A.定子就位 B.