You will now read a short passage and then listen to a talk on the same topic. Y

游客2024-01-02  16

问题 You will now read a short passage and then listen to a talk on the same topic. You will then be asked a question about them. After you hear the question, you will have 30 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.
Reading time: 45 seconds
An Announcement of the University
The University encourages all students living in the dorms to organize weekly social activities, including group dinners, parties, sporting events, dances, etc. Many students feel isolated or lonely living away from home. Such activities would therefore enrich students’ after-class lives. In addition, the opportunity afforded to meet new friends cannot be emphasized too much. As Aristotle should have said, "Man is a partying animal." Let’s have some fun!
Now hear a conversation between two students.
Question: The man expresses his opinion toward the announcement of organizing social activities on weekly bases. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.
W: Hey, George, how are things going?
M: I am fine, working on my history assignment. Hey, what’s that you’re reading there?
W: It’s an announcement from the university. They think we should organize social activities and stuff. Here, read it.
M: Hmm... I don’t think we should have the social activities.
W: Why? I think it will be great.
M: Most people won’t take part anyway. We’ve all got different schedules. Not a lot of people are ever free at the same time.
W: You might be right about that part. Anything else?
M: If you want to meet people, all you have to do is look around you when you’re not in class. I mean there’s this big study lounge full of people right now. We eat together, too. We even shave, brush teeth, and take showers in the same place. Organized activities just aren’t necessary.
W: Yeah, you might have a point.


答案 An announcement from the university suggests that students living in dormitories should organize activities every week so that they are able to enrich their after-school life. And also the activities provide a chance for students living in school dormitories to know each other better.
The man says the proposal by the university is not necessary.
First, he claims that too many students have different schedules. Since this is the case, he thinks, that relatively few students will take part in the activities.
In addition, he says that students already share living, eating, and study space. If one wants to meet others, it is pretty easy to meet each other on campus. As such, he thinks the activities are not needed in order to make friends.

解析     通过阅读短文,我们知道学校鼓励学生尽可能多地组织学生集体活动,以减少学生的孤独感,同时也给同学们更多交朋友的机会。这是文章的主要内容,带入模版即可。