You will now listen to a conversation. You will then be asked a question about

游客2024-01-02  7

问题  You will now listen to a conversation. You will then be asked a question about it. After you hear the question, you will have 20 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.
Question: The speaking discusses two possible solutions to the woman’s problem. Describe the problem and the two solutions. Then state which of the two solutions you prefer and explain why.
M: Hey, Mary! You seem to be very upset.
W: Ohhh! I’ve been waiting for my friend Trisha for over fifteen minutes.
M: Something important?
W: We were supposed to go to see an old film at this theater. In class we’ve been talking about this movie. The professor said we’re going to discuss it next week. So, yeah, I guess it is important.
M: It is a great film. But you need to see it from the start. If I were you, I’d just go inside now and watch it. But what’s the matter with your friend? You can tell her with your cell phone. Does she have one?
W: Oh, she has one, but she never answers the phone. I think you’re right. Maybe I should go in and see it from the start. This film will be on for a few more days. She could watch it tomorrow, if she wants to see it from the start.
M: Or you could just go home, and both of you see it tomorrow. That way you could see it together. Then you could talk it over. So maybe see it tomorrow?
W: Nooo, that doesn’t work for me. I’m really busy tomorrow night because my mom is coming to town. I think I’ll just wait another ten minutes. If Trisha hasn’t shown up by then, I’ll go in and see it alone.
M: Really, take my advice. You do not want to miss the beginning. Why not just go inside and leave a message for your friend? That way you won’t miss anything.
W: Yeah.. .you’re probably right. That’s what I’ll do.
M: Have a good time and I hope your friend shows up.


答案 A girl and her friend are about to watch a movie in a theater. The movie is part of her assignment for her film class. However, her friend is late and the girl cannot miss it because the beginning of the film is a vital part of the task.
The man suggests that she can go on and see the film alone, leaving her friend to see it tomorrow. Alternatively, he proposes that she could go home now and watch it with her friend some other day.
Personally speaking, I would recommend that she goes ahead and watches the film without her friend. The beginning of the film is very important and she can’t afford to miss it. Besides, the movie will be still on tomorrow. Her friend can watch it then.
More importantly, the woman is busy tomorrow night and won’t make it to the cinema again. The sooner she watches the film, the longer she can think about it and form her opinions for the assignment.

解析     Task 5的重点是学生遇到的困难跟解决的途径。这道题是如何解决Mary是否要等朋友一起看电影的问题。原因不是重点。开头段可简单介绍原因,“A girl and her friend are about to watch a movie in a theater.The movie is part of her assignment for her film class.”但是,“However, her friend is late and the woman cannot miss it because the beginning of the film is a vital part of the task.”