[img]2012q1/ct_etoefm_etoeflistz_0392_20121[/img] [br] Listen again to part of t
[img]2012q1/ct_etoefm_etoeflistz_0392_20121[/img] [br] Listen again to part of t
[br] Listen again to part of the conversation.Then answer the question. Why does the woman say this:
W: How do you like your classes this semester?
M: Not bad, I guess.Thermodynamics is the hardest.It takes a long time for me to do the prablems, and then I don’t have enough time to do the reading for English and history.There just aren’t enough hours in a day.
W: I hear you.
M: How are your classes?
W: Pretty good, actually.All of my professors are great, and I really like my discussion class in Russian history.
M: Oh, yeah? How come?
W: Well, it’s really useful to get a chance to talk about what Dr.Finley says in the lecture, and also hear what other people have to say.We have two really cool TAs who lead the discussions.
M: Oh, yeah?
W: One guy is working on his doctorate in Russian studies, and he spent a year in Russia learning the language.He has this amazing ability to tie Dr.Finley’s lectures to things that he’s actually seen and experienced in Russia.He’s a great storyteller.The other TA-Anna-her family is from Russia, and she also has great stories, but mostly I like her way of drawing everyone into the discussion.
M: That sounds great for you.But personally, I’ve never cared for discussion classes.I prefer the lecture format.I’d rather listen to my professor than to my classmates.
W: Really? I like the discussions because we can go beyond the lecture and the reading.Not that the lectures are boring or anything-I’m not saying that-what I mean is, I get a lot out of the discussions.I think I learn more, you know, when I get a chance to talk about Russian history.I certainly remember more of the details.And that sure helped me on the first test.
M: Well, that’s good.I’m glad you like your class.So, are you still working in the pizza restaurant?
W: No.Not enough time.I need a job, but the restaurant was getting to be too much time.Somebody was always asking me to take their shift, and I’d end up working 25 hours a week.I never had enough time to study.
M: Hey, I know just the job for you! I saw-there’s a notice on the job board in the Student Center-I just saw it today.There’s a job opening for host of the graduate student lounge.
W: Oh, really? What does the host of the graduate student lounge do?
M: Oh, I don’t know ...make coffee and talk to people, stuff like that.But maybe you’d get a chance to do some reading during the quiet times.
W: You know, I think that might be just the kind of job I could handle right now.
A、To request that the man speak more softly
B、To express her dislike of thermodynamics
C、To agree that lack of time is a problem
D、To inform the man that she needs to leave
Listen again to part of the conversation.Then answer the question.
"Not bad, l guess.Thermodynamics is the hardest.It takes a long time for me to do the problems, and then I don’t have enough time to do the reading for English and history.There just aren’t enough hours in a day." "I hear you."
Why does the woman say this:
"I hear you."
The woman’s purpose is to agree that lack of time is a problem. The man says There just aren’t enough hours in a day. The woman replies I hear you, an expression of agreement. (2.3)
关于期刊版式设计的总体特点,下列表述中错误的是( )。A.在表格和图片的版式设
如果乳母食用去米汤的“捞饭”或精制米面会导致哪种营养素缺乏并波及婴儿( )。A
去甲肾上腺素使浦肯野细胞自律性增高通过A、最大复极电位降低 B、阈电位水平下降
以下哪项不属病态呼吸的临床表现A.上气 B.哮喘 C.少气 D.打鼾 E
目前片剂常见的外观有多种形状,除外的是A.椭圆形 B.长方形 C.三角形
在回归和相关分析中,l表示A.∑(X-) B.∑(Y-) C.∑(X-)