
游客2024-01-02  24

问题    敦煌行-丝绸之路国际旅游节自2011年开始在甘肃举办,是全国唯一以丝绸之路命名的常设性旅游节会,现已成为服务丝路沿线国家和地区文化旅游交流合作的重要国际性平台。几届旅游节的成功举办,达到了以节促游、以节聚力、以节提位、以节造势、以节促建、以节促管,助推建设旅游强省的目的。


答案    Ever since its first debut in Gansu province in 2011, the Dunhuang Tour — Silk Road International Tourism Festival has been the sole standing tourism pageantry bearing the name of the Silk Road. Now it has become an international platform for cultural and tourist cooperation among the countries and regions along the Road. Thanks to the previous successful operations, the festival has considerably promoted and strengthened the development of economy, society and culture in the province.
   Lying in Northwest China, Gansu province boasts both a prime location along the Silk Road and the oldest region open to the outside world. The renowned route traverses the land more than 1, 600 kilometres covering almost a quarter of the Road. Due to its rich history and natural scenery, Gansu has thus become a world tourist attraction with great potentialities. Historical and cultural heritages and natural tourist attractions scatter along the route within the province, enabling the place to be the top on the list of the 12 tourist attractions designated by the former China National Tourism Administration. The event will further promote the cooperation and development of tourism industries among the countries concerned.
   During one month of the festival an array of activities are to be held in all the 14 cities and prefectures in the province. Welcome all the friends from afar and nearby to enjoy the diversified and splendid Gansu.

解析 1.敦煌行-丝绸之路国际旅游节自2011年开始在甘肃举办,是全国唯一以丝绸之路命名的常设性旅游节会,现已成为服务丝路沿线国家和地区文化旅游交流合作的重要国际性平台。Ever since its first debut in Gansu province in 2011,the Dunhuang Tour —Silk Road International Tourism Festival has been the sole standing tourism pageantry bearing the name of the Silk Road.Now it has become an international platform for cultural and tourist cooperation among the countries and regions along the Road.
原文句子较长,按照英语表达习惯把句子拆分成了两个句子。其中,“敦煌行-丝绸之路国际旅游节”是专有名词,翻译专有名词须注意两点,即“名从主人”和“约定俗成”。该节日为近几年举办的节日,“the Dunhuang Tour—Silk Road International Tourism Festival”是官方固定译名,其中冠词“the”有时可以省略。 “开始举办”在英语中译作“debut”,是符合英语表达习惯的意译。此外,原文中的“服务”从整篇主旨来看,属于次要信息,为避免英语表达的臃肿可省去不译。
2.几届旅游节的成功举办,达到了以节促游、以节聚力、以节提位、以节造势、以节促建、以节促管,助推建设旅游强省的目的。Thanks to the previous successful operations,the festival has considerably promoted and strengthened the development of economy, society and culture in the province.
3.甘肃省位于中国西北部,闻名于世的丝绸之路在甘肃境内东西绵延长达1600公里,占其全程近四分之一,被誉为丝路古道的黄金路段。Lying in Northwest China,Gansu province boasts both a prime location along the Silk Road and the oldest region open to the outside world.The renowned route traverses the land more than 1, 600 kilometres covering almost a quarter of the Road.
4.因丰富的历史文化和自然景观,甘肃省已成为深受世界旅游者喜爱、具有巨大潜力的国际旅游目的地。Due to its rich history and natural scenery,the place has thus become a world tourist attraction with great potentialities.
该句中“深受世界旅游者喜爱、具有巨大潜力的国际旅游目的地”不能照汉语字面去翻译,必须灵活处理,英文翻译成“a world tourist attraction with great potentialities”’,既符合英语表达习惯,又简洁明快。
5.其中甘肃丝绸之路旅游线,因沿途璀璨的历史文化遗迹和丰富的旅游资源,被原中国国家旅游局列为中国最知名的12条精品旅游线路之首。Historical and cultural heritages and natural tourist attractions scatter along the route within the province,enabling the place to be the top on the list of the 12 tourist attractions designated by the former China National Tourism Administration.
6.敦煌行-丝绸之路国际旅游节为期1个月,旅游节期间还分别在全省14个市州举办多项系列活动。During one month of the festival an array of activities are to be held in all the 14 cities and prefectures in the province.
7.热忱欢迎海内外朋友莅临盛会,感知交响丝路,畅游如意甘肃。Welcome all the friends from a far and nearby to enjoy the diversified and splendid Gansu.
原文有“交响丝路”“如意甘肃”两个短语,翻译成英语时无法完全呈现其隐喻,因此,译文只能做变通处理,分别把两个短语变通处理为两个形容词“diversified”“splendid”。“diversified”意在突显甘肃旅游呈现的多种样态和形式,就像交响乐一样由多种乐器组成一个完整的乐章。 “如意”取自甘肃的形状像中国古人用的如意饰品,译文无法呈现。“splendid”意在强调甘肃旅游给人的精致和美妙享受,和原文“如意”给人的感受遥相契合。 “海内外朋友”有多种表达法,如“friends around the world”“friends at home and abroad”“friends around the globe”“friends all over the world”等等,译文选用了比较雅致的译法“friends from afar and nearby”。原文为3个短句,译文把3个短句合成了一个整句。