Some high-yield crops can be planted in preference to others to______food supply

游客2023-12-31  8

问题 Some high-yield crops can be planted in preference to others to______food supply.

选项 A、handle

答案 C

解析    (1)句子结构。
   本句是一个含有被动语态的简单句,Some high-yield crops为物称主语,句尾加不定式to do something作谓语动词plant的目的状语。
   A.handle v.处理;操作;运用;买卖;触摸
   B.generate v.使形成;发生:生殖
   C.enhance v.提高;加强;增加
   D.undertake v.承担,保证;从事;同意;试图
   本句大意为“为增加粮食供应,应当优先种植一些高产作物”。从high-yield crops可以推出,在四个选项中,只有enhance符合题意。
   e.g.He was lucky to find the missing book.(原因状语)
   He got to the station only to be told that the train had gone.(表示结果)
   He stole out ofthe room in ordor not to disturb me.(目的状语)
   ①enhance v. to improve something
   e.g.Good lighting will enhance any room.
   ②increase v. to become or to make sth.greater in amount,number, value,etc.
   e.g.The population increased dramatically in the first half of the century.