We have a firm belief that he will abide by his promise if he gives it to anyone

游客2023-12-31  6

问题 We have a firm belief that he will abide by his promise if he gives it to anyone.

选项 A、contribute to
B、stick to
C、attribute to
D、set aside

答案 B

解析 A选项contribute to意为“捐献,有助于”;B选项stick to意为“遵守,忠于”;C选项attribute to意为“把某事归因于某人/某事”;D选项set aside意为“把……放置一旁,不理会”。abide by意为“遵守,信守”,因此,B选项正确。本句大意为:我们坚信他一言九鼎,言出必行。