My new pet was the most【C1】________ bird to look at, with his horrible yello

游客2023-12-30  9

问题     My new pet was the most【C1】________ bird to look at, with his horrible yellow 【C2】________ pushing through the wrinkled scarlet skin typical of baby pigeons.【C3】________ his repulsive and obese appearance Larry suggested we【C4】________ him Quasimodo.
    Because of his unorthodox upbringing, and the fact【C5】________ he had no parents to teach him the facts of life, Quasimodo became【C6】________ that he was not a bird
【C7】________ and refused to fly.【C8】________ he walked everywhere. If he wanted to get on to a table, or a chair, he stood below it,【C9】________ until someone lifted him up. He was always eager to join us in【C10】________ we did, and would even try to come for walks with us. This, however, we had to stop, for either you carried him on your shoulder, which was【C11】________ an accident to your clothes, or you let him walk【C12】________ . Then you had to【C13】________ your pace to suit his,【C14】________ you get too far ahead you would hear the most frantic and【C15】________ coos.
    Quasimodo【C16】________ on sleeping in the house: nothing could【C17】________ him to sleep in the pigeon-loft I had made for him. Then Larry discovered that Quasimodo was a musical pigeon. Not only did he like music, but he【C18】________ seemed to recognize two different【C19】________ , the waltz and the military march. For a waltz he would move round and round the gramophone, bowing and twisting, while for a march, he would stamp【C20】________ the room, his voice becoming so rich that he seemed in danger of strangling himself. [br] 【C11】

选项 A、predicting

答案 C

解析 本题考点为词义辨析。A选项predict意为“预言,预测”;B选项estimate意为“估计”;C选项risk意为“冒……险”;D选项suggest意为“建议,暗示”。鸟有随地排便的习惯,因此对衣服而言,的确是有风险,故C选项正确。本句大意为:然而,我们不得不阻止它跟我们一起散步,因为你得让它站在你的肩上,这样,它很可能拉在你的衣服上。不然你就得让它跟在你身后。