I haven’t expected John to make a formal apology but I had hoped him call me.A、h

游客2023-12-30  6

问题 I haven’t expected John to make a formal apology but I had hoped him call me.

选项 A、him to call me
B、him calling me
C、that he calls me
D、that he would call me

答案 D

解析 我从不指望约翰正式道歉,但曾希望他能打电话给我。本题考查hope的用法。hope表示可能实现的事情,后接从句时,用陈述语气,可用于hope to do sth.结构,但不用于hope sb.to do sth.结构,如:I hope to take a walk outside.(但不会说I hope you to take a walk outside)因此,本题四个选项中,只有D选项符合条件。其中,would表示过去将来,与句子的时态匹配。