Interpret the following passage from English into Chinese. You may take notes wh

游客2023-12-30  28

问题 Interpret the following passage from English into Chinese. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passage only once. Now, let’s begin.
So for any of us in this room today, let’s start out by admitting we’re lucky. We don’t live in the world our mothers lived in, our grandmothers lived in, where career choices for women were so limited. And if you’re in this room today, most of us grew up in a world where we had basic civil rights, and amazingly, we still live in a world where some women don’t have them. But all that aside, we still have a problem, and it’s a real problem. And the problem is this: Women are not making it to the top of any profession anywhere in the world. The numbers tell the story quite clearly. 190 heads of state — nine are women. Of all the people in parliament in the world, 13 percent are women. In the corporate sector, women at the top, C-level jobs, board seats — tops out at 15 or 16 percent. The numbers have not changed since 2002 and are going in the wrong direction. And even in the non-profit world, a world we sometimes think of as being led by more women, women at the top: 20 percent.
We also have another problem, which is that women face harder choices between professional success and personal fulfillment. A recent study in the U. S. showed that, of married senior managers, two-thirds of the married men had children and only one-third of the married women had children. A couple of years ago, I was in New York, and I was pitching a deal, and I was in one of those fancy New York private equity offices you can picture. And I’m in the meeting — it’s about a three-hour meeting — and two hours in, there kind of needs to be that bio break, and everyone stands up, and the partner running the meeting starts looking really embarrassed. And I realized he doesn’t know where the women’s room is in his office. So I start looking around for moving boxes, figuring they just moved in, but I don’t see any. And so I said, "Did you just move into this office?" And he said, "No, we’ve been here about a year. " And I said, "Are you telling me that I am the only woman to have pitched a deal in this office in a year?" And he looked at me, and he said, "Yeah. Or maybe you’re the only one who had to go to the bathroom. "
So the question is, how are we going to fix this? How do we change these numbers at the top? How do we make this different? I want to start out by saying, I talk about this — about keeping women in the workforce — because I really think that’s the answer. In the high-income part of our workforce, in the people who end up at the top — Fortune 500 CEO jobs, or the equivalent in other industries — the problem, I am convinced, is that women are dropping out. Now people talk about this a lot, and they talk about things like flextime and mentoring and programs companies should have to train women. I want to talk about none of that today, even though that’s all really important. Today I want to focus on what we can do as individuals. What are the messages we need to tell ourselves? What are the messages we tell the women who work with and for us? What are the messages we tell our daughters?


答案     对于今天在座的各位,  我们首先承认我们是幸运之人。我们没有生活在我们母亲和祖母生活过的那个世界,在那时女性的择业是非常有限的。而今天在座的各位,大多数人成长的世界是具有基本公民权的。令人惊讶的是,我们还生活在一个有些女性得不到这些权利的世界。除此之外,  我们还有一个现实问题。这就是:在世界各地,女性很难获得任何职业的高管职位。下面这些数字很清楚地告诉了我们实情。在190个国家元首里,仅有九位是女性。在世界各国议会的总人数中,13%是女性议员。在公司部门,  女性占据高位,  即C级职位,也就是董事会席位和高管职位的比例分别占15%和16%。自2002年以来这样的数据一直没有变化,甚至有下降趋势。即使在非营利的行业,这个我们有时认为是被更多女性所领导的行业,女性领导人仅占20%。
    我们还面临另一个问题,就是女性在职业成功和个人价值实现中所面临的艰难选择。美国最近的一个研究表明,在已婚高管人员中,三分之二的男性高管人员有孩子,只有三分之一的女性高管人员有孩子。几年前,我在纽约参加一笔交易的商谈,会议设在一间你能想象到的那种时髦的纽约私募投资办公室内。会议时长约3个小时,2小时后大家想休息方便一下。但当大家都起身时,会议主办者显得很尴尬。我意识到他不知道哪里是此办公室的女用洗手间。  所以我开始寻找移动厕所,  心想他们刚搬进来应该有所考虑,但我没有看到。于是我问,“你是刚搬进这办公室吗?”他说,“不是,我们在这儿已经有一年了。”我说,“你是告诉我说,这一年来我是唯一一个来这间办公室的女性吗?”他看着我说到,  “是的。或者说你可能是唯一一个要上女用洗手间的。”
    所以问题是,我们该如何解决这样的尴尬?我们如何改变这些高管职位的男女比例?我们如何使其有所变化?我首先想说,劳动力中必须有女性的存在,我的确认为这就是答案。在我们劳动力的高收入部分,即在高管的人员中、财富500强首席执行长官中,或在其他类似的高管行业中,我确信女性是被排除在外的。当下人们对此谈论很多,他们谈到像弹性工作时间及教育类公司应该指导和培训妇女的事。今天我不想谈这些,  尽管它们都非常重要。今天我想关注作为个体我们所能做到的事。我们自己应该了解的信息是什么?我们告诉给女同事和女员工的信息是什么?我们要给我们女儿传递的信息是什么?
(原文节选自Sheryl Sandberg的TED演讲)
