Listen to the following dialogue and interpret it as required. After you hear a

游客2023-12-30  30

问题 Listen to the following dialogue and interpret it as required. After you hear a sentence or a short passage in Chinese, interpret it into English by speaking into the microphone. After you hear a sentence or a short passage in English, interpret it into Chinese. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the dialogue only once. Now, let’s begin.
B: Yeah, obviously. I have been in China for 3 months and I think it is really convenient to have all those things, Alipay and WeChat. I am really surprised that almost all people in China use mobile payment, no matter where they go, a restaurant, a mall, a bookstore, a coffeehouse, or a pharmacy. And even those elderly people pay by scanning smart phones, which impresses me very much.
B: Indeed, I remember the time when we had to watch out on a bus or in a crowd when we had money in the pocket. Now, we are free from that as we have our money on smart phones, which are usually in our hands. But it seems that we rely too much upon them.
B: This is a universal issue in the world. When you go out, wherever it is, on the street or in the subway, people’s eyes are glued to the screens, and they do not even worry about being hit by cars or missing their stops.


答案 A: Mobile payment prevails in China. It seems that people in China can not live without it now. Thanks to the emergence of Alipay and WeChat, we do not have to take cash today. You have been in China for quite a long time, what is your impression on that? B:显然是这样的。我来中国3个月了,也觉得移动支付真的很方便,包括支付宝和微信支付。我真的很惊讶,不管去哪里,几乎所有中国人现在都不用现金支付了,包括餐馆,商场,书店,咖啡馆及药店。即使是年龄大一点的人,他们付钱的时候也是扫手机,这一点我印象深刻。
A: That’s true. You don’t have to take money with you and all you need is a smart phone, with which you can get any service you want. By the way, it saves a lot trouble for you. You don’t have to worry about losing money, exchanging money or getting fake money.
A: Yes, that brings us a new problem. Smart phones give us an easier life, but we are also controlled by them. Many people find it hard to go around without a smartphone, not only because we can get so many services on them, but also we kind of have been addicted to them.
