[originaltext]A: I have so many friends who want to buy books and want to learn
[originaltext]A: I have so many friends who want to buy books and want to learn
A: I have so many friends who want to buy books and want to learn. But the problem is, they buy a book, they start it, they get two or three chapters in, and then they stop reading.1 And then they feel bad that they’ve stopped reading. They don’t pick up another book because they know they want to finish this book. We’ve been taught that once we start something, we have to finish it. I think that so often we view reading as this linear thing.
A: What I meant by reading being a linear thing is that most people believe we have to read cover to cover whereas I hold a different view of reading. When I think of reading a book, I would ask myself the following questions: What information do I need out of this book? Is that an entertainment read? Do I need to read from start to finish? Is it a read where I’m comparing different views on a similar problem, especially across non-fiction? If I am comparing and contrasting two or three different authors’ argumentation or views on a particular subject, I might not need to read the whole book but a chapter to get everything out of that book.
A: Exactly, the books are there to serve you. The book is your property. You don’t have to feel bad about putting down a book. It’s the author’s job to pull you into the book. It’s your job to extract what you need out of the book. And I think you can just read the table of contents, the introduction, or maybe just the conclusion, and skim a little bit to extract what you need.
A: That’s not true. The common reason for most people to read is skill development2. For example, you want to learn about leadership, then the right way is to narrow down the aspect of leadership, which is much more beneficial from a learning perspective. For instance, you would want to learn how to lead a small team for the first time or how to hold team meetings, or use other methods to break it down, and then hone in on this particular category. Pick up a bunch of leadership books, but read just for those specific categories across the books.
B: What do you mean by reading being a linear thing? To tell you the truth, I totally get it. I am that kind of person. In every year’s New Year’s Resolution, I would vow to read a certain number of books every month. However, such detailed plans would just turn into empty promises every year. In the end, I can never finish one book.
B: I think I am beginning to see your point. You are saying that how you read a book should be determined by what you want to achieve through reading.
B: But if you just skim a lot of books, you may learn nothing in the end.
快速路水泥混凝土路面的使用年限是()年。A.30 B.15 C.12
疹为( )。A.平铺于皮下,摸之不碍手 B.高出于皮肤,摸之碍手 C.皮肤
A.毛果芸香碱 B.阿托品 C.新斯的明 D.碘解磷定 E.有机磷酸酯类
被取保候审的犯罪嫌疑人、被告人应当遵守的规定有( )A.不得以任何形式干扰证人