[originaltext] Travelers are booking hotel rooms in cities closer to home th

游客2023-12-29  11

Travelers are booking hotel rooms in cities closer to home this summer, with the exception of two European magnets, according to a new survey.
    Las Vegas scored the most July and August room reservations for the second year in a row, while another gambling Mecca, Reno, along with Honolulu moved onto the top 10 list for the first time, according to a tally of seasonal bookings from Hotels. com. Las Vegas has  successfully pitched itself as an alternative family destination even in the desert’ s hottest months. It’s like a theme park city. Almost every hotel has a theme park inside it, so there’s a lot to do for families.
    Orlando displaced the Big Apple in the No. 2 spot, San Francisco moved up a notch into fifth place and Miami dropped out of the running, probably because of a decline in international tourism, Hotels. com president Bob Diener said. Paris’s slip to No. 10 from No. 5 last year wasn’t surprising given some Americans’ resentment of France’s lack of support for U.S. policy in Iraq, Diener said. But the omission of Boston was unexpected, especially in a year in which patriotism is a resounding theme in travel marketing, he said.
    Overall summer travel is expected to rise 2.5 percent this year, with 83 percent of Americans planning at least one trip and 28 percent planning to travel more than last year, according to studies from the Travel Industry Association.

选项 A、Boston.

答案 B

解析 题干:以下哪个城市的房间预定受到伊拉克战争的影响?根据原文“Paris’s slip to No.10 from No.5 last year wasn’t surprising given some Americans’ resentment of France’s lack of support for U.S.policy in lraq…”,译文为:去年巴黎从第5名跌至第10名,这并不让人感到吃惊,考虑到法国不支持美国对伊拉克的政策,美国对法国此举的痛恨……。所以选b。