Which of the following statements is true according to what you have heard? [br]

游客2023-12-29  12

问题 Which of the following statements is true according to what you have heard? [br]  
Since I have a meeting around noon, I will eat my lunch on the run.
He hung up on me.

选项 A、He telephoned me.
B、He picked up the phone.
C、He put the receiver down.
D、He put my hanger up.

答案 C

解析 电话场景,固定搭配。根据原文“He hung up on me.”,关键在于理解固定搭配hang up。hang up:toend up a telephone conversation,意指:挂断电话。选项C“He put the receiverdown.”是对原文的正确解释,意指:把receiver(听筒)放下。B选项为“他拿起电话”,D选项为“他举起我的衣架(hanger)”。