Which of the following can best describe her personality? [br] [originaltext]Sh

游客2023-12-29  11

问题 Which of the following can best describe her personality? [br]  
She would be nothing if not determined.
The judge is the last person to take bribes.

选项 A、The judge will commit bribery if his fellow colleagues agree.
B、Several of the judge’s colleagues have taken bribes before he did.
C、Nobody is going to get what he wants from the judge with bribery.
D、Somebody saw the judge take the bribes.

答案 C

解析 词义理解题。原句意思是“这位法官决不可能收取贿赂。”由此可见,选项C“谁也无法行贿这位法官从他那里得到自己想要的”与原文意思相符,因此该项为正确答案。