New Media and GlobalizationVocabulary and Expressionsconvergence convert
New Media and GlobalizationVocabulary and Expressionsconvergence convert
New Media and Globalization
Vocabulary and Expressions
convergence convert hypertextuality hybridize
integration analog virtuality stimulus
dematerialize manipulate effectuate
New Media and Globalization
The rapid development of new media has been the main force accelerating the trend of globalization during the last few decades. With its distinctive and unique nature, new media has brought human interaction and society to a highly interconnected and complex level. Through this convergence the mutual enhancement of new media and globalization has led to the transformation of almost all the aspects of human society. New media being considered "new" is not only because of its successful integration in the form of the traditional interpersonal and mass media, but also because of its new functions that enable individuals to equally control messages in interpersonal media, which allows them to control messages in mass media. New media functionally allows people to interact with multiple persons simultaneously with the ability to individualize messages in the process of interaction.
New media enjoys five distinctive characteristics. First, digitalization is the most prominent feature of new media. New media dematerializes media text by converting data from analog into digital form, which allows all kind of mathematical operations. New media also makes it possible for a large amount of information to be retrieved, manipulated, and stored in a very limited space.
Second, new media converges the forms and functions of information, media, electronic communication, and electronic computing. The convergence power of new media can be easily demonstrated by the emergence of the Internet in terms of its powerful function embedded in computer information technologies and broadband communication networks. This also leads to the industry convergence displayed by the constant merger of big media companies and the product and service convergence evidenced by the successful connection and combination of media’s material, product, and service in the media industry.
Third, the interactive function of new media provides users a great freedom in producing and reproducing the content and form of the information during the interaction. In addition, the interactivity of new media makes the interaction among different networks and the retrieving of information through different operational systems, both available and convenient. The freedom in controlling the information endows new media a great power in the process of human communication.
Fourth, the hypertextuality of new media brings forth a global network center in which information can freely move around and spontaneously interconnect. This global network phenomenon has begun to rebuild a new life experience for human beings, which in turn will lead the transformation of economic activities, cultural patterns, interactional styles, and other aspects of human society.
Finally, the cyberspace formed by new media allows people to generate virtual experience and reality. The invisible cyberspace not only induces a gap between reality and virtuality, but also effectuates the free alternation of one’s gender, personality, appearance, and occupation. The formation of virtual community that crosses all the boundaries of human society definitely will challenge the way we perceive reality and have traditionally defined identity.
With these distinct features new media pushes the trend of globalization to its highest level in human history, which involves the expansion, stretching, intensification, and acceleration of social activities in both objective/material and subjective/human consciousness levels, or different levels of human society, including the entire world, a specific nation, a specific industry or organization, and an individual.
The powerful impact of globalization, enhanced by the advent of new media, is revealed in its dynamic, pervasive, interconnected, hybridized, and individually powerful attributes. First, globalization is a dialectically dynamic process, which is caused by the pushing and pulling between the two forces of cultural identity and cultural diversity, or between localization and universalization. Second, globalization is universally pervasive. It moves like air penetrating into every aspect of human society and influences the way we live, think, and behave. Third, globalization is holistically interconnected. It builds a huge matrix in which all components are interconnected with networks. Fourth, globalization represents a culturally hybridized state, which allows cultural transmission via new media to take place at a very rapid rate by permeating and dissolving human boundaries. Finally, globalization increases individual power in the new media society, which pluralizes the world by recognizing the ability and importance of individual components.
Together, the dialectically dynamic, universally pervasive, holistically interconnected, culturally hybridized, and individually powerful characteristics of globalization enhanced and deepened by the stimulus and push of the emergence of new media has led to revolutionary changes in people’s thinking and behaviors, redefined the sense of community, and restructured human society.
The impact of the integration of new media and globalization can be summarized into five precise effects, namely, a shrinking world, the compression of time and space, close interaction in different aspects of society, global connectivity, and accelerated local/global competition/ cooperation. In other words, boundaries of human societies in terms of space, time, scope, structure, geography, function, profession, value, and beliefs are swiftly changing and transforming into a new pattern of similarities and interconnectedness.
The rapid development of new media has greatly accelerated the trend of globalization, which has led to the transformation of almost all the aspects of human society. New media enjoys five distinctive characteristics. First, digitalization is the most prominent feature. Second, new media converges the forms and functions of information, media, electronic communication, and electronic computing. Third, the interactive function of new media provides users a great freedom in producing and reproducing the content and form of the information during the interaction. Fourth, the hypertextuality of new media brings forth a global network center. Finally, the cyberspace formed by new media allows people to generate virtual experience and reality. With these distinct features new media pushes the trend of globalization to its highest level in human history. The powerful impact of globalization is revealed in its dynamic, pervasive, interconnected, hybridized, and individually powerful attributes, which, together, have led to revolutionary changes in people’s thinking and behaviors, redefined the sense of community, and restructured human society. The impact of the integration of new media and globalization can be summarized into five precise effects, namely, a shrinking world, the compression of time and space, close interaction in different aspects of society, global connectivity, and accelerated local/global competition/cooperation.
A.丁烯基酰内酯 B.去氢延胡索甲素 C.苦杏仁苷 D.延胡索乙素 E.
信用证项下的汇票需要附商业票据才可以结算的属于()。A.光票信用证 B.进
A.谷维素片 B.氨酚待因片 C.肌内注射青霉素 D.肌内注射黄体酮 E
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