近几年,频发的自然灾害令全球深受其害。炎热的酷暑、狂暴的飓风、刺骨的严寒以及滔天的洪水近乎成了“常客”,而风调雨顺已被人们视为“奢侈品”。 对全球范

游客2023-12-28  27

问题    近几年,频发的自然灾害令全球深受其害。炎热的酷暑、狂暴的飓风、刺骨的严寒以及滔天的洪水近乎成了“常客”,而风调雨顺已被人们视为“奢侈品”。
   对全球范围内出现的极端灾害天气现象,各国气象学家们众说纷纭。有的说是全球变暖所致,有的归因于大气环流异常,还有的认为“厄尔尼诺(El Nino)”是罪魁祸首。


答案    In recent years, frequent natural disasters have hit the world. Extremely hot summers, fierce hurricanes, severe winters and devastating floods have become so prevalent that good weather has become a rare occurrence.
   Meteorologists in various countries express their different views on global extreme weather. Some attribute them to global warming, others to abnormal atmospheric circulation, and still others to El Nino.
   Most scholars agree that global climate change is speeding up and that extreme weather conditions will occur more frequently with greater intensity and on a larger scale. Facing an increasingly fragile global climate, humans should conscientiously think about effective ways to regulate their own activities and cherish our common home.
   Future extreme weather conditions will have a greater impact on such sectors as water conservancy, agriculture, forestry, energy, health care and tourism, making global economic recovery still more unpredictable.

解析    文章第一段简明扼要地说明自然灾害全球化的情况。第二段说明各方对出现这种情况的原因的解释。第三段强调全球气候变化是人类迫在眉睫要解决的问题。最后一段补充说明灾害对人类生活各方面的消极影响。全文客观性很强,在表述的时候应该注意这一点。