中国的改革发端于农村,目的在于调节农民和土地之间的关系。1978年之前,数亿中国人还在为温饱问题发愁,如今,经过40年的发展, 中国有7亿多农村贫困人口

游客2023-12-28  37

问题     中国的改革发端于农村,目的在于调节农民和土地之间的关系。1978年之前,数亿中国人还在为温饱问题发愁,如今,经过40年的发展, 中国有7亿多农村贫困人口实现脱贫。从1978年至1985年,农村经济体制的深刻变革,为农村经济的增长和贫困人口的大幅减少提供了强劲动力。按当时标准,有50%未解决温饱的农村人口在这期间解决了温饱问题。按现在的扶贫标准,有超过1亿农村人口在这期间摆脱了贫困。这不仅为全面建设小康社会打下了坚实的基础,而且为全人类的扶贫和发展做出了巨大贡献。
    1978年,安徽凤阳县小岗村的18户农民走出了中国农村改革的第一步。破除了计划经济体制的诸多束缚,实行以家庭联产承包责任制为基础的家庭经营,获得了可以自由耕种的承包土地,极大调动了生产积极性, 使他们以巨大的热情投入到农业生产之中。


答案     China’s reform originated in rural areas with the purpose of adjusting the relationship between farmers and land. Before 1978, hundreds of millions of Chinese people were struggling to meet their basic daily needs. After 40 years of development, more than 700 million people in rural areas of China were lifted out of poverty. From 1978 to 1985, the profound reform of China’s rural economic system provided a strong impetus for economic growth and dramatic reduction of the poverty-stricken population. According to the standards at that time, 50 percent of the rural population in poverty met their basic needs during this period. And even according to the poverty alleviation standards at present, more than 100 million rural people were lifted out of poverty during the period. This not only laid a solid foundation for China to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects, but also made great contributions to poverty alleviation and development for all mankind.
    In 1978, farmers from 18 households in Xiaogang Village of Fengyang County, Anhui Province took the first step of China’s rural reform. By removing many constraints of the planned economic system and conducting family management based on the household responsibility system, farmers received contracted land they could freely decide what to grow, which greatly stimulated their enthusiasm for agricultural production.
