⑴ 亚太是全球经济最大的板块,也是世界经济增长的一个主要引擎。⑵ 工商界是促进经济增长的生力军,是新发展理念的探索者、实践者。⑶ 这几年,每次出席亚太经

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问题     ⑴ 亚太是全球经济最大的板块,也是世界经济增长的一个主要引擎。⑵ 工商界是促进经济增长的生力军,是新发展理念的探索者、实践者。⑶ 这几年,每次出席亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议,我都抽出时间同工商界的朋友见面,共同探讨应对当前挑战的思路和举措。
    ⑷ 国际金融危机发生lo年来,国际社会一起努力,推动世界经济逐步回到复苏的轨道。⑸ 今天,我们迎来了世界经济逐步向好的局面。⑹ 尽管仍然面临风险和不确定性,但全球贸易和投资回暖,金融市场预期向好,各方信心增强。
    ⑺ 我们正面临增长动能的深刻转变。⑻ 当前,改革创新成为各国化解挑战、谋求发展的方向。⑼ 结构性改革的正面效应和潜能持续释放,对各国经济增长的促进作用进一步显现。⑽ 新一轮科技和产业革命形成势头,数字经济、共享经济加速发展,新产业、新模式、新业态层出不穷,新的增长动能不断积聚。
    ⑾ 发展之路没有终点,只有新的起点。⑿ “往者不可谏,来者犹可追。”⒀世界正处在快速变化的历史进程之中,世界经济正在发生更深层次的变化。⒁我们要洞察世界经济发展趋势,找准方位,果敢应对。


答案     ⑴ Our region, the Asia-Pacific, has the biggest share of the global economy and it is a major engine driving global growth. ⑵ The business community is a primary contributor to growth, as it keeps exploring and practising new ways of development. ⑶ That’s why during the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting over the last several years, I have always taken time to meet business leaders and discuss with you approaches and measures to address the challenges we face.
    ⑷ It has been 10 years since the international financial crisis broke out. Over the last decade, the international community has worked in concert to steer the global economy back to the track of recovery. ⑸ Thanks to our efforts, the global economy is improving. ⑹ Despite risks and uncertainties, global trade and investment are picking up, people are more optimistic about the outlook of financial markets, and confidence is growing in all sectors.
    ⑺ We are seeing a profound change in growth drivers. ⑻ Countries are turning to reform and innovation to meet challenges and achieve growth. ⑼ The potential of structural reforms is being unlocked and its positive impact of boosting growth of various countries has become more evident. ⑽ A new round of technological and industrial revolutions is gaining momentum. Digital economy and sharing economy have registered rapid growth. New industries as well as new forms and models of business are flourishing. As a result, new growth drivers are being created.
    ⑾ Development is a journey with no end, but with one new departure point after another. ⑿ An ancient Chinese philosopher once observed, "We should focus our mind on the future, not the past." ⒀ We live in a fast changing world, and the global economy is undergoing more profound changes. ⒁ We must therefore closely follow the trend of the global economy, identify its underlying dynamics, keep to the right direction, and, on that basis, take bold action.

解析     1.⑴句“亚太”是指“亚洲及太平洋地区”,可直译为the Asia-Pacific region。参考译文是从中国领导人发言的角度出发,故译作Our region,the Asia-Pacific。①句是两个并列的“是”字句,可用and连接,并按原文语序译出。
    2.⑵句也是两个并列的“是”字句,但实际上前后两个句子暗含因果关系,即“工商界因为是探索者、实践者,所以才是生力军”。翻译时可用因果连词as连接前后分句,显化逻辑关系。“探索者、实践者”直译是an explorer and practitioner,也可转译成动词短语explore and practise new ways of development。
    3.⑹句“尽管仍然面临风险和不确定性”若按原文语序翻译,可译作although still facing risks and uncertainties,但也可译作“despite+名词”结构,即Despite risks and uncertainties,使得译文更简练。“金融市场预期向好”隐含的主语是人,故可转换主语,把“人”而不是“预期”处理成作主语,可译作people are more optimistic about the outlook of financial markets.
    4.⑻句“改革创新成为各国化解挑战、谋求发展的方向”可理解为“各国利用改革创新来化解挑战、谋求发展”,因此该句可转换成“各因”作主语,译作Countries are turning to…句式,把“化解挑战,谋求发展”看作为目的,用不定式结构译出。
    5.⑿句引用了古代名言,只需译出意思“关注当下而不是过去”即可,并用An ancient Chinese philosopher once observed来补充说明这句话的来源。
    6.⒁句是在第4段前3句的基础上得出的结论,故可用We most therefore…来引出后面的内容。后面的内容包含三个并列的动宾结构. “洞察世界经济发展趋势”是指紧跟潮流并洞察潜在的动力。故可译作closely follow the trend of the global economy,identify its underlying dynamics。“果敢应对”是在“洞察世界经济发展趋势,找准方位”的基础上所采取的行动,故可增译on that basis,使译文的逻辑关系更清晰。