
游客2023-12-28  30

问题     ①当前,全球经济格局面临深刻调整,新一轮世界科技革命和产业变革孕育兴起,为各国创新合作带来了前所未有的机遇。②德国基础研究领先,科技实力雄厚,发明创造众多,工匠精神蜚声世界,是公认的创新强国。③中国市场规模巨大,人力资源丰富,产业体系齐全,互联网经济快速发展,在创新方面拥有得天独厚的优势。


答案     ①The global economic landscape has been undergoing deep readjustment. A new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation is in the making. This has presented unprecedented opportunities for innovation cooperation among countries. ②Germany excels in basic research, technology, invention and workmanship, and is well-known for being an innovation powerhouse. ③China, on its part, has a big market, abundant human resources, full-fledged industrial system and fast-growing Internet economy, which provide unique advantages in innovation.
    ④We need to follow a market-oriented approach and lay out a road map for innovation cooperation. ⑤ Only when innovation is geared toward diverse market needs can it enjoy vast possibilities. ⑥China is ready to work with Germany to strengthen cooperation platforms in such areas as electric vehicles, clean water, future city and semiconductor illumination, and introduce new models for business development to better respond to ever higher consumer demands.
    ⑦We need to promote integrated innovation of large, medium-sized and small enterprises and reshape the "ecosystem" for innovation cooperation. ⑧We should not just focus on innovation cooperation among large companies but also endeavor to promote cooperation among SMEs and integrated innovation among companies of different sizes.
    ⑨We need to foster a free and open environment for trade and investment, and gear up innovation cooperation. ⑩Innovation of our age is open in nature. Trade liberalization and investment facilitation are as important to innovation as fresh air is to human beings.

解析     1.④句原文的“路线图”添加了双引号,表示此处路线图有特别的含义,即指创新合作的方法,译文中road map本意包含“方法”“规划”,因此翻译时无须再添加双引号。
    2.⑥句较长,在翻译前应理清原文逻辑,先找出句子的主谓宾,再将其他成分往后排列。主语是“中方”,谓语是 “愿与德方(合作)”,因此可将句子的主谓结构译为China is ready to work with Germany;合作的目的在于“完善……平台”和“创新……模式”以“更好满足……需求”,可用to不定式结构来作目的状语,即本句可译为China is ready to work with Germany to strengthen cooperation platforms in…and introduce new models for…better respond to…demands.
    3.⑧句大中小企业在原文多次出现,英文不喜重复,可考虑用缩写SEMs代替medium-sized and small enterprises,用companies of different sizes指代“大中小企业”。
    4.⑩句两个分句之间运用了类比的修辞手法,可处理为A is as adj. to B as C is to D结构。