
游客2023-12-28  24

问题     ①当前,人类社会正处在一个大发展大变革大调整时代。②世界多极化、经济全球化、社会信息化、文化多样化深入发展,人类已经成为你中有我、我中有你的命运共同体。③同时,我们也处在一个挑战频发的世界,地区热点持续动荡,恐怖主义蔓延肆虐,和平赤字、发展赤字、治理赤字是摆在全人类面前的严峻挑战。


答案     ①At present, human society is undergoing great development, profound changes and major adjustments. ②③The trends towards multi-polarity, economic globalization, application of information technologies in societies and cultural diversity have gained greater momentum. While humans increasingly find ourselves in a community of shared future, we also live in a world fraught with challenges. Regional hotspots turbulence, the spread of terrorism, the deficits in peace, development and governance all pose grave challenges to the entire humanity.
    ④As the world’s second and fourth largest economies and key trading nations with major influence, China and Germany, while pursuing our own development, also need to shoulder important responsibility of promoting regional and international peace, stability and prosperity. ⑤We need to strengthen the top-level planning of our relations and draft the blueprint of our future growth with a more open mind and a broader vision. ⑥We need to let our dialogue mechanisms at different levels play a leading role and enhance strategic communication on bilateral relations and major international and regional issues. ⑦We need to properly handle differences through equal-footed dialogue and friendly consultation and give each other understanding and support on issues concerning our respective core interests and major concerns.

解析     1.①句“人类社会正处在一个大发展大变革大调整时代”即人类社会正经历着一场大发展大变革大调整,在翻译时,可将表示状态的“正处于……时代”转换成动作“正经历着”,用undergoing…译出,使得句子更生动易懂。
    3.④句“中国和德国作为…….有重要影响力的国家”作为条件状语,解释说明为什么中德要肩负起维护世界和平发展的重任,可处理为As引导的状语从句。shoulder既可作名词“肩膀”,也可作动词“肩负”,故可把“对……肩负起重要责任”译为shoulder important responsibility of…。
    4.⑦句“妥善处理分歧”即合理和公平公正地处理分歧,故译为properly handle differences。
    5.⑦句“关切”可用concern来表达,该词既可作动词,意为“涉及”,亦可作名词,意为“关心的事”,故“重大关切问题”可译作major concerns。