Never we had seen anything like this style of architecture before, we thought we

游客2023-12-26  13

问题 Never we had seen anything like this style of architecture before, we thought we were looking at giant sculptures, not buildings.

选项 A、Never to see
B、Never seeing
C、Never having seen
D、Never seen

答案 C

解析 本题重点考查现在分词作状语的用法。画线部分位于句首,而且是以否定词never开始,按照英语语法规则,该句应该是倒装句,但画线部分并不是主谓倒装,所以是错误的。四个选项中,首先可以排除A选项,因为主句用了过去式。D选项也不对,其逻辑主语应该是主句的主语we,所以不能用动词的过去分词表示被动。B选项用的是动词的现在分词形式,没有体现出see和think之间在时间上的先后关系。C选项体现了两个动词在时间上的先后关系(现在分词完成式表示其动作在谓语动词的动作之前完成)和因果关系,故选C。