What does the speaker mean? [br] [originaltext]I thought it better to tackle Je

游客2023-12-29  9

问题 What does the speaker mean? [br]  
I thought it better to tackle Jeff outside of business hours.
My friend Peter is a pushover for anybody in trouble. Yesterday on our way back from lunch, he saw an old man begging. And he immediately handed him a ten-dollar bill.

选项 A、He’s softhearted.
B、He likes poor people.
C、He’s rich.
D、He likes to push people.

答案 A

解析 词义理解题。原文意思是“我朋友Peter总是乐于帮助陷入困境的人们。昨天我们吃完午饭回家的路上,他看到一位老人乞讨,就毫不犹豫地给了他张十美元。”由此可见A项“他心软”与原文相符,该项是正确答案。