Sir Martin Sorrell, the chief executive of the advertising conglomerate WPP,

游客2023-12-26  7

问题    Sir Martin Sorrell, the chief executive of the advertising conglomerate WPP, was at Kensington Wade, Britain’s first primary school to offer full Chinese immersion for its pupils, on a recent evening, for a reception to celebrate the Chinese mid-autumn festival.
   Sir Martin offered【C1】______ to the parents that the £ 17,000-a-year tuition they had paid for at the newly-opened school was money well【C2】______.
   For those parents【C3】______ to start their children early, there is Hatching Dragons, the UK’s first Chinese-English nursery. It【C4】______ to "foster fluency" in both languages by age five.
   "I’ve got enough【C5】______ that if a child joins us at six months and stays until they are five, 50 hours a week, they will be orally fluent," said Cennydd John, who【C6】______ Hatching Dragons in 2015, after the birth of his son. "If you【C7】______ him," says Mr. John, "you can go and check his YouTube videos."
   "Chinese is the【C8】______ language because China is rising as a political and economic power," said Antonella Sorace, a linguistics professor. "It’s regarded as a good 【C9】______".
   Kensington Wade is named【C10】______ Sir Thomas Wade, a 19th century British diplomat who produced one of the first English-Chinese textbooks. Its【C11】______ class of 15 students arrived last month. Three were fluent Mandarin speakers【C12】______ about half knew no Chinese.
   Its two classrooms, in an existing academy, are【C13】______, with toys and early reading books. On closer【C14】______, it becomes apparent that one is entirely in English and the other in Chinese. One teacher is British, and the other Chinese. The children move between them and their【C15】______ worlds during the day. The hope is that by age 11, when they graduate, they will be fluent in both.
   Kensington Wade also aims to【C16】______ two teaching styles. It upholds the renowned "Shanghai model" of math with the creativity and critical thinking【C17】______ in a British education.
   The benefits of bilingual education are alluring,【C18】______ greater cultural empathy and cognitive flexibility. Then there is the question of【C19】______ children view the language as being useful.
   In April, Jo Wallace, Kensington Wade’s head-teacher, visited three schools in the San Francisco area that have been offering immersive English-Chinese【C20】______, one for more than 30 years.
   "I went with the worry that these little kids were going to be confused, that they’d be stressed. And all I saw was children having a lovely time," she recalled, although she acknowledged that some parents would have to "hold their nerve" in the early days. [br] 【C5】

选项 A、suggestions

答案 C

解析 本题考查语境推理。本句主要结构为“如果孩子们……就能……”,讲话人在尝试说服他人,所以推测空白处是“证据”。根据下文可知,此句意为“我有足够的证据证明如果一个孩子在六个月大的时候来到我们这里,并且每周在我们这儿待50个小时,待到五岁,他们就可以流利地说中文了”。词义辨析:suggestion n.意为“建议,意见”;assistance n.意为“帮助,援助;补助”;evidence n.意为“根据;证明”;blessing n.意为“上帝的祝福,上帝的保佑,天恩”。根据词义,此处选择evidence最为恰当。