It was a one-line chat reply from an AncestryDNA customer-service rep that r
It was a one-line chat reply from an AncestryDNA customer-service rep that r
It was a one-line chat reply from an AncestryDNA customer-service rep that ripped Catherine St. Clair’s life. At 57, she was her family’s resident genealogist and had sent her saliva to Ancestry for testing. So when her brother Mike showed up as a "first cousin or close relative," she assumed it must be a
. Even stranger: The test showed that someone she had never heard of was a much closer genetic match than Mike.
She contacted Ancestry customer service through the website’s chat feature. Calmly, a representative named Pam explained. "Siblings," Pam said, "normally share about 2,600 centimorgans of DNA, while half siblings share 1,800." She said, "Go click on the little icon by his name. It will tell you how much you share with him," recalled St. Clair. "And when I clicked on it, that’s when the floor fell out from under me." Mike wasn’t her full brother. They didn’t share the same father.
In the business of consumer DNA testing, customer service is sometimes a lot more like emotional support. Though genetic tests are frequently marketed as family-friendly entertainment, they sometimes wind up surfacing life-altering surprises. And when those surprises show up in someone’s test results, the first move is often a call to customer service." We don’t really play the role of therapist, but rather listen and try to be sympathetic and empathetic, getting them to process things," said Kent Hillyer, head of customer care for the genetic-testing firm 23andMe.
At 23andMe, those types of calls are so frequent that preparing for them is integrated into the company’s months-long training program. "The most common issue," said Hillyer, "is when a customer’s presumed father doesn’t show up on a test as the genetic dad. But sometimes mothers or siblings are a surprise, too."
"How most of those conversations start is people come to us to verify the accuracy," said Hillyer." Somebody has known something their whole life and then this company is telling them something different. It’s tough." In training, new employees do
phone calls and role playing to prepare for such conversations "We practice empathy and sympathy," said Hillyer." A lot of it is just listening. We always try to steer the conversation toward the data, and tell them that this is science," he added.
At Ancestry, Kathy Luke, vice president of member services, said a special team of representatives handles sensitive queries. "There are certainly cases where a discovery might be quite unexpected," she said. "We take our responsibility toward our customers—and the potential impact of complex discoveries—very seriously." At 23andMe, Hillyer often encourages representatives to go for a walk after an intense call to help them decompress. "We kind of do these internal therapy sessions," he said. "Here, maybe more so than most places, you have to be really supportive of each other."
Lindsay Grove, a customer-care rep at 23andMe, still remembers one call in particular, a dad who took the test only to find out that his child was not, in fact, his child. At first, like most, he was just trying to figure out whether the results were accurate. So Grove explained the science behind the data. The customer then became somber and quiet. He questioned whether he should talk to his wife, and, if he did, how. "You could hear the emotion in him, and … wondering what he would do next," she said. The next step for St. Clair, who got the big surprise from Ancestry, was reaching out to the relative who showed up more closely related to her than her brother. She sent a message through the company’s website.
"I shared 2,172 centimorgans with her," said St. Clair. That was just a little more than she had shared with her brother. Pam, the customer-service representative, told her that meant the mystery relative was either a half-sibling, an aunt, an uncle, a niece or a nephew. St. Clair and the mystery relative talked on the phone. It turned out they were, in fact, half-siblings. Her mother had worked for her newfound-sister’s dad in 1960, around the same time that St. Clair was conceived. Both of her parents died years ago, so it was too late for St. Clair to confront them about the discovery. St. Clair went on to start a Facebook group for people like her called DNA NPE Friends. NPE is short for "not parent expected." It now has more than 4,000 members and is one of several such groups.
"It’s so deep, the way this affects our role in the family and our relationship to our parents," she said. "It is traumatic."
(选自《欧洲金融时报》2019年1月7日) [br] The word "glitch" underlined in Paragraph 1 most likely means________.
语义题。根据原文“must be(一定是)”可猜测glitch意为“差错”,故正确答案为C(错误)。
病毒与其他微生物的根本区别在于病毒()。A.可通过细菌滤器 B.寄生在易感的
九味羌活汤证的病因病机是A、风邪在表,卫强营弱,营卫不和 B、风寒湿邪,困束肌
享有优先认股权的股东的选择有(). Ⅰ.认购新发行的普通股票Ⅱ.将该权利转让
A.首剂减半量 B.隔日疗法 C.每晚睡前1次给药 D.早晨1次顿服 E
当行政行为违法时,下列选项中,除()外,都拥有撤销权。A.人民法院. B.
现代意义上的结算机构的产生地是()。A.美国芝加哥 B.英国伦敦 C.法国
下列金融工具中,属于短期金融工具的是()。A.公司债券 B.股票 C.大额可