下面你将听到一段有关深化亚欧合作的讲话。 [originaltext] 当前国际形势正发生复杂深刻变化,不稳定不确定因素增多,地区热点问题此起彼伏

游客2023-12-25  35

问题 下面你将听到一段有关深化亚欧合作的讲话。
        时代催人进,合作正当时。面对单边主义和保护主义的挑战,面对合作与对抗、变革与守旧的抉择,亚欧不要自顾,要同舟共济;不要零和,要互利共赢;不要封闭,要开放融合。中国愿与各方共迎新挑战,夯实亚欧新型伙伴关系的基础,推动亚欧合作走深走实,以亚欧合作的确定性、维护多边主义的一贯性, 为世界和平与发展增添稳定性。


答案         The international landscape is undergoing complicated and profound changes, with rising uncertainties and destabilizing factors. Regional flashpoints have kept emerging, and nontraditional security threats remain severe. Although the world economy presents an upward momentum, economic globalization has met setbacks, and protectionism is rearing its head. Countries are facing a major choice between openness and isolation, moving forward and back sliding, and win-win cooperation and a zero-sum game. Common challenges require closer cooperation. We in Asia and Europe need to strengthen our unity and coordinate actions.
        Asia and Europe need to stay committed to an open world economy. After the end of the Cold War, 13 economies in the world that have enjoyed more than 25 years of rapid growth have all adopted the policy of opening-up. We need to uphold the just and nondiscriminatory multilateral trading regime and work for open and inclusive regional free trade arrangements and an open world economy. We also need to reject all forms of protectionism and accelerate the establishment of a single market covering both Asia and Europe. Openness has been and will always be an important precondition for the sustained growth of our continents.
        Asia and Europe need to deepen practical cooperation for connectivity. Connectivity ensures the smooth flow of the economy and meets the common expectations of people in Asia and Europe. We need to fully leverage the role of the ASEM Pathfinder Group on Connectivity as the main channel for coordination, and work hard for early results in priority areas such as trade and investment facilitation, sustainable development, the digital economy and people-to-people exchanges. To achieve interconnected development today, we also need to step up exchanges and cooperation on innovation, promote green, low-carbon and smart development, and foster new highlights of growth in Asia and Europe.
        We live in a world full of opportunities for cooperation. At the same time, we are all confronted with challenges posed by unilateralism and protectionism. Should we opt for cooperation or confrontation? Should we pursue reform or stay on the beaten track? The answer is clear. Countries in Asia and Europe must reject selfishness, a zero-sum mentality and isolationism. We should uphold solidarity, engage in win-win cooperation and pursue openness and integration. China is ready to join hands with other members to address new challenges, cement the foundation for the new type of partnership and deepen cooperation for tangible outcomes. Together, with firm commitment to cooperation and consistent support for multilateralism, we will anchor world peace and development.

解析         本文主要讲述深化亚欧合作,第一段介绍当前国际背景,第二段倡导构建开放型世界经济,第三段与第四段分别讲述了互联互通务实合作,深化亚欧合作的具体举措。本文属于外交类材料,考查学生平时对外交素材的积累,对时事的关注。总体而言,本文信息密度与长度适中,陌生词汇较少,难度中等。
        (1)文章第一段介绍当前国际背景,无长难句与陌生词汇,但需注意“越是面对共同挑战,越应加强合作”一句的翻译,可对其进行简单处理,无须处理为两个比较级,“加强合作” 可译为名词短语closer cooperation,让译文更为简洁。因此,本句可译为Common challenges require closer cooperation.
        (2)第二段中,“我们要维护公正和非歧视的多边贸易体制,推动建立开放包容的区域自贸安排和开放型世界经济,反对各种形式的保护主义,加快构建亚欧统一市场”一句信息比较密集,可进行适当的切分。“我们要维护公正和非歧视的多边贸易体制,推动建立开放包容的区域自贸安排和开放型世界经济”可译为一个整句,中间用for衔接凸显逻辑,表示目的,“区域自贸安排”译为regional free trade arrangements。“反对各种形式的保护主义,加快构建亚欧统一市场” 可译为一个整句,“非歧视的多边贸易体制”译为nondiscriminatory multilateral trading regime,“统一市场”译为a single market。
        (3)第三段中需注意“互联互通建设让开放型亚欧经济血脉更加畅通,也是亚欧人民的共同期待”的翻译。“互联互通建设”中的“建设”为范畴词,无实际意义,可省译。“经济血脉”无须直译,译为flow of the economy。因此,全句可译为Connectivity ensures the smooth flow of the economy and meets the common expectations of people in Asia and Europe。
        (4)第四段中,“时代催人进,合作正当时”为中国特色表达,句子对仗工整,朗朗上口。但是由于口译的即时性,在口译中可简单处理为We live in a world full of opportunities for cooperation。传递意思即可,无须逐句翻译,避免译文冗长。
        (5)第四段中,最后一句信息比较密集,分句较多,可将句子分为两个主要信息点,即“中国愿与各方共迎新挑战,夯实亚欧新型伙伴关系的基础,推动亚欧合作走深走实”和“以亚欧合作的确定性、维护多边主义的一贯性,为世界和平与发展增添稳定性”。“夯实” 可译为cement。“走深走实”译为deepen cooperation for tangible outcomes。“为世界和平与发展增添稳定性”中,“增添稳定性”可直接使用anchor 一词,意为“使牢固,使稳定”。因此,全句可译为China is ready to join hands with other members to address new challenges, cement the foundation for the new type of partnership and deepen cooperation for tangible outcomes. Together, with firm commitment to cooperation and consistent support for multilateralism, we will anchor world peace and development。