Organic food is considered better than medicine to keep people spiritual fitness

游客2023-12-24  9

问题 Organic food is considered better than medicine to keep people spiritual fitness. [br]  
Organic food, prepared as simply as possible or, preferably, left raw. Frequent sessions with a spiritually inclined fitness practitioner, working toward the health of both mind and body, because of traditional healing techniques rather than those of Western medicine.
It’s a golden age for studying inequality. A French economist, set the benchmark in 2014 when his book, Capital in the Twenty-First Century, was published in English and became a bestseller. The book mapped the contours of the crisis with a sweeping theory of economic history. Inequality, which had been on the wane from the 1930s until the 1970s, had risen sharply back toward the high levels of the Industrial Revolution, he argued.

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答案 B

解析 “on the wane”意为“逐渐衰退”。综合上下文可以得知,文章的主题应该是经济而不是性别。